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Well people....after a long week last week of SD getting called to the principal's office for "bullying" a younger schoolmate, then a horrible progress report (failing 4 out of 7 classes), I get home from work Friday to find out that SD13 has been suspended from school for fighting with a boy....over Justin Bieber!

Apparently, the boy was making fun of J.B. and SD threw a school book at him, then they both proceeded to scratch on each other. Now..the boy that she was fighting with apparently has some nice healthy nails, because she had some horrible looking scratches on her arm, but I say, she's lucky the boy only used his nails and only on her arm. I am the one that picks the kids up from school, so DH was home by the time we got there and, of course, SD went to her dad...bring on the tears (even though she and I had been sitting in the car waiting on the other kids to get there for the last 15 minutes...she was angry and kept making those pissy noises like you're holding up her social calendar or something), but as soon as we get into the house..she starts crying and telling her dad that "he touched me, so I threw my book at him." Bravo to DH for staying on topic (he had already talked to principal and knew the boy was across the room when it started, so how could he "touch her"? Anyhow..DH just ignored that and calmly talked to her about it not being acceptable to behave this way. She kept making excuses as to why the boy should be in more trouble, etc. I guess she didn't get the reaction she wanted, so she stormed off upstairs to go to her room. As she walked off, DH said, " need to bring me your phone" SD was incredulous. "Why?" (said with all the attitude one could imagine in one word!) and DH said "Because you got suspended from school". SD actually had the nerve to say "It's only for one day...GOD!". It's amazing to me that SD honestly thinks that what she did was ok and it's all the boys fault for making fun of Justin Beiber (SD is completely and IMHO, unhealthily obsessed with that boy!)

So, DH took today off work to stay home with SD (kuddos again for not just leaving her home, but took the day off to make it as miserable for her as possible!) He has plans to either: make her get up as if she was going to school...get dressed in her uniform, sit at the kitchen table, doing whatever school work he can find in the books that she brought home over the weekend-giving her a 5 minute break every hour and a lunch break at noon (basically, keep the same schedule as if she were at school). Or...he is also thinking of a spring cleaning day. Nope...not the easy stuff like dusting. We are talking about cleaning the base boards throughout the house and finally putting her bedroom in order (she is borderline hoarder, she can't bear to throw anything away, but will "hide" it in her closet that is now stacked with stuff almost to my chest.) She got a brand new bedroom set a few years ago, but her dresser only holds a couple items of clothes as the rest of her clothes are thrown in a corner or two, shoved under her bed, behind the door (can barely open it) and under the desk. I am betting that DH will probably choose to do the bedroom cleaning because it drives him crazy and SD will hate to do it, but at the same time, I also know that he will have to help her do it...and I think she should have to do it on her long as she is receiving some kind of punishment...that's all that matters!!!