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Weekend kids trip

caitlinj's picture

So my boyfriend decided to take his kids out of town this weekend for a getaway before spring break (they have a week off school as well). I wasnt invited which Im not unhappy about since we have been pretty distant lately because guess hwo is invited? His mother! As usual his mother goes with him everywhere and he wonders why I say there are too many people coming in between us in the relationship. Part of me also thinks the mother is going because he is broke and with mommas purse him and his kids wont be doing much of anything. I feel this relaitonship is over crowded, not only because of the kids(which I can handle) but also hsi mother and his ex having not enough boundaries. Did I mention he also works for his mother's company and the talk multiple times everyday and shes not only the babysitter but also the queen of knowing how to raise his kids even though she raised a mommas boy who is dependent on his mother financially and emotionally and very much in debt.

ndc's picture

It is so obvious from your various posts that this guy is not for you.  The sooner you leave him, the sooner you can meet the guy who IS right for you.  Or at least the sooner you can leave his aggravation behind.  Seriously, I haven't heard much positive about him, and I've heard a lot of negatives and there are red flags flying all over the place.  Why not just dump him and be done with it?