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Please Help!!!

Btomlison2's picture

This is my very 1st post and I am absolutely desperate. I've been online all night and it is now 3:14am trying to find a support group..something but all I can find are ones that you have to pay for and lets be honest, how many of us have the money to pay to be in a step-mom support group? Let me start out by giving a little bit of my back ground. This is my 2nd marriage and my husbands as well. We met in 2011 and we got married in 2012. DH has two daughters 8 and 7 from his previous marriage. 8yr old isn't his, wife cheated on him and got knocked up and he didn't find out the baby wasn't his until she was 6mos old. The 7yr old was his exes attempt to keep him from leaving her. His divorce was final before we ever met, we were set up by a mutual friend. I love my husband dearly..He is a wonderful sweet kind man, hes a better person than I could ever hope to be. His daughters..I despise them both! Yesterday I finally had a break down and told him that I didn't love them...he looked at me like I was scum of the earth..his mother over heard our argument bc she had stopped over to drop off a few things and she pretty much told me that if I didn't love them then I had no business being married to their dad. Their mom is high conflict and she has hated me since day 1 even though I keep the kids for her so she wont have daycare and NUMEROUS other things to help her out. The youngest went home weds night with a "bruise" on her butt..well of course who gets the blame for it? ME...this isn't the 1st time this has happened...the girls are so desperate for their mothers attention they will do anything to get it..even if it means lying about me. Yet, I'm supposed to love these girls as though they are my own children..and I just don't. I cringe anytime I know they are here...I cringe when I know the bus will be stopping..their voices are like nails on a chalk board. All I get is whining over this and that, demands on what they want to eat, and if I don't make what they want..they refuse to eat and I have to end up making them a peanutbutter sandwich. Yesterday when the latest blow up came from the ex..over me supposedly abusing her kids(Which the kids have admitted that they lied so they could get extra attention from mommy) I just completely lost it. How am I supposed to love kids who are manipulative and compulsive little liars? How am I supposed to look at these kids when I have nothing but disgust for them? I don't want to lose my husband..but I fear we are heading that way because I can't deal with the two girls..Any suggestions on how to get over this hurdle is much appreciated.


Btomlison2's picture

Thank you! I'm glad I did find this site, I was reading so many blogs last night from here that I could have sworn I had written them all. You are right..I am blamed for EVERYTHING. On her weeks, she gets mad if I don't do the girl's homework with them before she picks them up. I finally got irritated one night after she called yelling at me over it and I told her that they are your kids not mine, and this is your week with them so its not my responsibility to do the HW with them. Needless to say the following Monday on our week the 8yro came home with a note saying she had lost recess because no HW was done the following week..I just looked at my husband and said "SERIOUSLY?!?! She is that stinking lazy that she cant even do HW with the girls." His response was to the extent of "Shes a lazy b****" I am slowly realizing that no matter what I do there is no silver lining. DH has said that after his surgery and he gets back to work we are moving. We live in Ohio now and where we live we have absolutely no jobs and even with my two college degrees there is nothing weve been job hunting in TN which means...I WONT HAVE TO SEE THE GIRLS VERY OFTEN!!!! I think that's a lot of the problem..they are just here SO much..and I feel as though my son is losing out on things because of his step-sisters. I'm just at my wits end with everything.

twoviewpoints's picture

Why are you taking BM's phone calls? Stop doing that. This woman is someone your husband must deal with. She is his problem and his burden, not yours. You don't work for BM. If she wants a daycare/afterschool program that does homework she can locate a center, pay for the cost and shut the h*ll up.

You are way too nice and you're letting way too many people run your home. If your DH is currently out of work, he can tend to his own older kids and do all the homework he and his older kids pleases. If the man is out of work and BM is demanding homework of you, she's yelling at the wrong person. Hand the phone to your husband and tell him to put his dog on a leash as you are not the parent, the paid daycare taker nor the woman who has to sort out his ex or his previous children.

Learn to say 'no'. If BM withholds the skids, Dad can file contempt with the courts. Frankly, if she threatens and withholds the children for a month, I'd think of it as a lovely break for yourself.

While I do not condone spanking children, I do believe your husband needs to be taking care of his own children on his time. And since he allows the children over during BM's time, he needs to be the acting parent/daycare person for the two kids on those times also.

MIL doesn't like the way you 'love' or 'don't love' the stepchildren? Send the darlings over to MIL's house after school.

Stop letting these people run over you. No more free daycare on BM's time. No more catering to the skids. You have other paying children in your home your attention and time is owed to. The extra freebies aren't your responsibility. If Dh wants them there during BM's time, send them into Dad, he can tend to them until BM picks them up. They are to stay away from your daycare area and children who are paying for your services.

You don't have to 'love' the children as you do your son and your older daughter. It's ok that you don't. No one will ever love these two children in the same manner as their parents do. That's not a bad thing. As long as you treat them kindly as you would any other child in your home, I'll assume they get plenty of love from their BM, Dad and oh, Gma.

twoviewpoints's picture

" But you're babysitting the SD's. That is a bad idea. You are exposing yourself for scrutiny any time any of them feel like coming after you. And what are you getting for it? Is your DH saving money because of it? What's in it for you?"

Profile explains she runs an at home daycare and has a child with DH and one child of her own. Fake accusations could ruin her business. I imagine having two kids there that refuse to go with the flow of the other daycare kids present (the food thing, for example) helps keep things stirred up and off key all day with her clients (the other paying children).

I'm thinking BM and Dad need to find other daycare arrangements for the skids. OP could take in two paying clients for her own income and the parents of the skids can worry about who and how pay for a different care taker for the skids.

It won't solve the problems going on during Dad's parenting time, but it would go a long way in making OP's daily life less stressful.

Btomlison2's picture

You are exactly right on everything. The step-daughters were at school when I had my break down and told my husband that I just don't love them. In my husband's family..there is no such thing as a "step-kid" they are "your" children now. I do have two biological children of my own. My oldest daughter is 14 and she goes back and forth between our home and my ex husbands home. My husband has taken her in as his own, I've never asked him to though, that's the thing. I would honestly be ok if he didn't think of her as a daughter, all I ask is that he respects her and respects the fact that she is my daughter and that's that. We have a son together and he is 4 and he just goes with the flow of everything. Yes I have to deal with the BM, on a daily basis. I do feel resented by my mother in law..I've never felt like part of the family here..mainly because the BM is still prevalent in every thing. My inlaws are our neighbors..and the BM is over there EVERY SINGLE DAY..they share meals together, they go shopping together, and the MIL always uses her "Christianity" as an excuse as to why she can't turn her away. That causes a lot of issues between MIL and DH. He can't stand his ex, and he is my ally in everything..he has no problem arguing things out with BM over me and the girls..but the thing is I'm just tired of all the fighting. As for disengaging, I've already became more hands off with the girls over this past year. DH and I were the only ones who would attend their parent teacher conferences, we would be the ones to handle their sports, we would be the ones to handle any and all doctor issues. I haven't been to one single conference this year, I haven't been to a sporting practice nor have I went to a doctor appointment since September. When DH is home he makes the girls respect me, but the issue is when DH isn't home they turn into sniveling evil creatures..granted sometimes they have their nice moments but those are few and far between. I just keep thinking 10 more years, then I think to myself can I really last another 10yrs?

Btomlison2's picture

Its not my idea that I have to love these kids like they are my own. I'm fine with the role of being a friend to them, that when they get older they can come to me for advice and things like that. It his DH notion and his family's notion that I HAVE to love them as my own. That is just not feasible. You are right I am breaking from the pressue of being too involved, but if I'm not involved I feel like I'm showing the girls that I don't care which adds fuel to their fire. There has been times that DH has whipped them over their actions and even though I cant show it, but inside I'm smiling over it..and omg even just admitting that makes me feel like a monster.

Btomlison2's picture

Thank you!!!! I've disengaged majorly since September. I used to go to all the parent teacher conferences(BM always had dates to go on or some other excuse)let me also say that BM lives less than a mile from us, moving is in the to another state! However I do know for a fact that the girls are desperate for their moms attention, they never get to see her. On her time with them she will dump them at her brothers house or her friends house so she can go out and enjoy her free time with them. As for dinners, each child has a favorite dinner and I try to incorporate that into our weekly menu. The girls don't take up a spot in my daycare because they are over the age range to take up a spot for me. Me keeping the girls the way I do helps us save money because we have them over 50% of the time which means DH doesn't have to pay her child support. The bruise wasn't even a was from where her jeans were tight and she was playing with water guns outside and the jeans left an indention. I agree the DH needs to take more responsibility in taking care of the girls when they are here with us. I just feel overwhelmed and not appreciated one bit by the kids.

Btomlison2's picture

I've tried that, and I've told her to find someone else to watch the kids on her time. That results in her getting mad, and taking the girls and not letting my husband see his daughters for up to a month. As I said in my original post, the oldest SD isn't my husbands, so the mom uses her as a way to get at my used to work but it doesn't anymore but I can see the pain on his face when she takes the kids away from him for an extended time. I try to be strong and remember that I only have 10 more years but anymore that 10yrs is feeling like an eternity.

KittyKatMomma's picture

Is there a CO?

If she withholds the children-he documents and takes her to court.
Put your foot down.
YOU are not their mother, you do not have to love or like his children,
you do need to be kind to them. There's a difference especially with the fact that their mother is fully involved.

Ignore BM. Block her from your phone. There's no reason for her to even contact you. She can communicate with her ex and
if there's anything that needs to be relayed-he can do it.