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visit for bday's of SD & DH yet she didnot bring her dad a card or present--he even pays for her to go buy his gifts

inky2034's picture

Spoiled 24 year old SD comes to visit ( 3 hrs. away) by coming up 6 weeks after her dad's bday and my b'day...we all have b'days within 2 weeks of each other. ps I am sure she hates that as it disrupts her b'day weekend. She could not come up and would have rather bought all her gifts on the internet and not come to visit....and let her dad pay for all of it when it shows up on the visa....again he pays 1/2 the rent, elec, cable, gas etc....... She has a full time job. Drive a BMW....She spent her b'day with her BM. BM does not date and has not moved on. DH and I have been married going on year 4 and BM plays the "poor mom all alone" card. So both SD and BM talk to each other first thing in the am and last thing at night... at work during lunch hrs......both play into each other.....It hurts my feeling soooooooooo bad that she did not even buy her dad a bday card! It hurt his feelings but he is numb to all of it.... After everything he has done for her? What? SHe pouts and her brother has convinced her to push back from her dad. The BM of my SD also has a son but not the bio son for my husband the DH. Basically 1/2 brother of my SD. THe BM out the son out of wed lock and DH met BM when son was 4 yrs old, married her and adopted him... SO you have the BM, SD and SS all on the same page of being on the BM's side...makes it tuff when I sat on the 4th row all by myself at wedding of the SS....SD is 24 and SS is 30. My husband (DH) is just now putting his foot down about pulling away on paying for everything...she is throwing a fit and holding him emotional hostage!

youngmama1b1g's picture

You're first word hit the nail on the head-spoiled. This is ridiculous that amount of money has been going to a selfish adult like that. Cut her off!! The sooner the better.
My neighbor told me that his daughter text him on his birthday one year. So to get back at her on her next birthday, he called her and told her all the things he WAS going to do for her birthday but wasnt since she couldnt even bother with a card or phone call.