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Update to my needs aren't being met

Imisssuzy's picture

Steps came home on Sunday night and as soon as she got in the car osd12 was in damage control. Sickenly sweet, animated and very interested in what we did over the weekend. Our lukewarm reception told her we were not pleased with her. Silence all the way home. She asked Dh if he was mad at her and it said that was an understatement. He sat osd12 down at table for a talk about the accusation she mad to SD about having work for everything she gets. She tried playing dumb, " I still don't know what you are talking about," through the whole conversation, blamed her SD for blowing her statement out of proportion, said mom didn't A's where the shoes came from so she didn't tell her. At that point I had had enough, I told her that her mom said she was told by osd12 that she worked to buy the shoes, and they were a gift. She then tried to say they cost more to make it look like she contributed to the cost. I told her I can show her the bank statement for the purchases if she would like.

She made an interesting comment. 2 or 3 times during the conversation, "why would I lie about dad, it isn't worth it." I think if you turn that statement into a question, you can hear her mother asking her that and she turned it into an excuse. Needless to say, she stormed out of the room.
The next day dh told her that she put her sister and brother in jeopardy because everything is about her all the time.

So over the week, no acknowledgement of the event from her, she has been hugging me and telling me she loves me..This means one of two things, should wants something or she is plotting my death.

I was never kinder to the old man than during the whole week before I killed him." - Poe

notasm3's picture

Sure she wants something - that's why she's plotting your death. That's what she wants.

Powerfamily's picture

Yes she wants something.

But would tell you know her game, and all this 'fake love you's' will not make up for all the lies she told over the last few weeks.

Imisssuzy's picture

I think that would only escalate tension here. I don't really enjoy that ,and it is already difficult to be in the same room with her. The tension is felt by everyone, I am sure. I prefer not to put the rest of the household through that, they don't need that.

I know there is a purpose for the behavior, she plans to get something from it-that is just how she operates. I know it, have fallen for it before, and won't again. I can't put my finger on the purpose. yet, but no one changes behavior that quickly (at least, not lasting behavior).

That she never acknowledged what she did, or apologized for it, shows that she has no remorse. She never does, honestly. This is the monster her parents created, I will let them deal with it. I no longer have any skin in the game.

It does bother me, because I hate, hate!!, inauthentic, passive agressive, actions. It makes me feel on guard and used.

We got her an appointment with a therapist, I was going to go to the appointment, but decided I am out of this fight. I am just tired of all of it. My plan is to keep my distance and "guard my heart" , and everyone involved can judge me how they want for that. I don't owe anyone an explanation for why I chose to do that. If they know, they understand, if they don't understand, they don't know.

I get that relationships go two ways, but there comes a time when you just have to realize that not every relationship is worth repairing.

I will keep doing what I feel is important to the whole family unit, but I am finished with working harder, and being expected to work harder, than her own mom.

Acratopotes's picture

Why fake love her back? Why not be honest with her and tell her, I'm done with you, you are a silly little girl with no remorse and I can not deal with back stabbing people like you.

I might forgive you if you are sincere and if you stop with this crap, but it will take time, for now leave me alone cause you really hurt me and I need time.....then disengage, all she will ever hear from me: Ask your Dad....