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Step-Sam's picture

My fiance & I have been together for 5 years. He and his ex have two children - one 19 & one 12 - for the past 3 & half years we have been fighting his ex & her mother in court for custody. We now have full custody.
His ex is a drug addict & has floated in & out of the kids lives as she pleases their entire life. Her mother (kids nan) died few months ago, so now we have to see & speak with his ex when she does spend time with the 12 yr old.

My fiance says he hates her but always lets her get away with her usual shit. She promises the 12 yr old things, the doesnt follow thru. Lies, steals from everyone (even the kids).

Recently her heroin dealer/boyfriend beat her up (put her in hospital) four days later she wanted to see her son, my fiance allowed her to take him out whilst we were at work on the condition that she take him no where near her druggy friend or that dealer in particular ...instead of catching the bus like she agreed she had the guy that beat her up drive them & hang out. My fiance was angry at the time & yelled at her but now (two weeks later) its like it never happened...
Shes even asked my fiance to hold onto $100 for their sons bday present from her so she doesnt spend it on drugs before his bday. My fiance agreed and doesnt see anything wrong with this becoz in his eyes hes doing it for his son.

On top of all of this, the eldest boy (19yrs) is now also a heavy drug user & she hangs out with & sleeps with his friends. The 19yr old even has her heroin dealer contacting him when she shoots thru & owes money.

She has no licence, no job, no house, no car. All she is, is the body that gave birth to two children. She is a total loser & makes my blood boil.
I have an amazing relationship with the 12yr old & love him as if he were my own.

My fiance doesnt understand why I get so annoyed / upset becoz he loves me, not her (& I know that). I just hate how much her actions affect our lives and there is no consequence for her. Its not fair.

**rant over**