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Ugh should I go ?

omgsaveme's picture

Family party is this weekend and of course SDipshit is going to be there, she made sure she asked DH if he was going, so as always she can get her plan straight to get money out of him. I would love to go, just can't stand seeing her.

DH has been doing a lot better with cutting her off but I know my DH and its much easier for him to say no through text than it is in person. The thought of even seeing this manipulative dipshit just stresses me out. You can never just be around her and have a nice time, whenever you see her or talk to her she always wants something (money 99 percent of the time) which it is Xmas time and we don't have it to give.

My feelings would be so much different towards her if she actually did anything EVER to benefit herself, instead she treats everyone as her bank and personal assistant. It varies from little things like " oh can you run out to my car and grab XYZ" " can you run to the store for me and grab XYZ to " I'm lazy can you come and move my stuff, even though I have a BF and 1000 friends" or " I need money" or the more manipulative bullshit stories to get money. Loser !

I love the rest of my in laws they are all great, except for this dummy.

asnoraford's picture

Manipulators stink! But, they can only manipulate as long as they're allowed to. "Come move my stuff, I'm lazy?????" What? Wow, I'd be like so am I, bye...

If he knows that she is going to try to get money out of him and that it's hard for him to say no, then he's going to have to pull a page out of her play book and get his plan straight for how he's going to stand strong. He knows her ammo, he just needs to plan for it...

Good luck!

omgsaveme's picture

I love this response, great idea. I just gotta hope semi disney dad can stick to it. I could see him sneaking and giving her money, worst case scenario. He's only walking semi upright at the moment, he still doesn't have his full back bone.

I just don't even want to be around her.

omgsaveme's picture

lol well she doesn't come right out and say she's lazy she always has some excuse. My DH is so much better but still very hard for him to say no in person, knowing him. So I don't think a plan will work.

My DH always says "well its my fault, she's that way" well, yes it is but you will be the one to fix it at least from his end. This chick is so delusional and I don't think she will ever come out of it.

Hmmm Im thinking the "sorry we have other plans" route might work but then run the risk all everyone else being upset. Id like to just go and enjoy myself and not deal with her…..

Maybe ill just get drunk lol.

omgsaveme's picture

oh he wouldn't go for that, he keeps money on 20 different spots on his body. I just asked if we were going and he said "I dunno" so maybe he will just stay home and me and the kids will pop by for a minute. Maybe her car will break down last minute and she'll decide not to go, or better yet she will call DH tomorrow and tell him she just decided to move to Europe.

omgsaveme's picture

Hes grumpy cause he has to work tomorrow now, who knows, it all depends on his mood when he gets home. It also may be the fact that I told him a short while ago, if his daughter said anything nasty to me at all, she will be getting it right back at her and then some.