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Trouble finding a bond with SD

justanothermomof4's picture

I have a 13 yo SD and by all accounts she is one of the most well behaved and sweetest teenagers ever. So why am I having a hard time bonding with her?? She moved in with us well over a year ago and her BM is not in the picture except a random email or text. I feel like I have been pushed into being this child's mother and I'm uncomfortable with it. I have 2 children from a previous marriage and one with DH. I'm not sure why but I feel like there is this "wall" between my sd and I. I find that every thing she does drives me nuts. I know that if my kids were to do the same things I would overlook them and I know that is not fair to my SD. I'm looking for any advice on how to find a bond with her to where I don't find myself wishing she would just go back to her BM. I let the little things bother me that are typical teenager behavior. She is constantly wanting something and I feel like she only starts a conversation in order to get an item or etc. that she wants. She is a very clingy child and I'm the total polar opposite of that I can't stand clingy people. How can I stop being so critical of her and find common ground? I don't want to push her away especially knowing her own BM has done a number on her. I don't want to be a another negative female influence!!

not yet a step mom's picture

HMMMM def. a tough situation. what are her interests? maybe if you could find something that she is interested in (maybe that you both are interested in) for common ground. have you tried some kind of one on one time? (if you can spare it?). of course you don't want to favor her or spoil her, but maybe something to start a relationship. (going to the movies, or maybe some shopping for school clothes, or even gettign soem coffee). not sure if this helps. best of luck!

TheBrightSide's picture

Fake it till you make it. She's not a bad kid right? I say fake it. The first three years with DH I faked it. I can honestly say that I don't fake it anymore. There see times when I feel genuine, honest to God love for her. Those tomes carry me through when she's not so lovable.