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Tired of Dating His Ex Wife! Help Please...

AngelCakes's picture

Had I not have found this website online I would have almost assumed that I was a lone wolf in the midst of a horrific transition to establish a "normal" life with my bf and his son. Because my seperation was a painless one I somewhat assmed that to a degree most seperations were painless...I'll take my things you take you things and don't let the door hit you on the way out. That was the most naive thinking that I ever had, but no more. Almost two years into my very happy and loving new realtionship with my b/f & his son, we have still been in and out of mediations, custody assessments, and outright battle of wits with my b/f's ex-wife. I have never met someone who hated her ex husband more then she loved her kid. She is in a severe denial that their marriage ( which was only a year to begin with and four years over) is over. In the beginning I had a totally diffrent perspective of her because she seemed to always show good "face" whenever I was around. Of course with all good time, ones true appearence shows up and she came out to be a manipulative, decieving, mentally abusive person, to not only her ex-hubby ( my b/f) but their beautiful 4 year old son. To date she has gone as far as sending christmas cards and letters of wishes about how she still wants his family to involve her in their celibrations, purchased matching ornaments for her home as well as ours ( incredibly huge ornaments.... she must be really trying to make a statement ) following us to events as well as taking our pictures at these events without us knowing, wanting to go to the hospital when our son was born and last but not least abusing my b/fs limited time with his son by letting him "meet up with her" at functions so that "he could see his son too." I have personally never had to deal with someone who has such a control issue before as I am pretty easy going about everything. I try to limit my contact with her as any contact or conversation that she initiates with me is always some sort of one upmanship so I just aviod her as a whole as much as possible.
Things have been at their most tense the past few weeks with the birth of our first child together, a son (which royally pissed her off) which I have not even let her lay eyes on, the ongoing custody assessment as my b/f gets a ridiculous few hours a week until they can come to a formal decision about at another mediation or a court hearing and finally ending this long divorce/custody process. At the previous mediation which was 6 months ago, she is still requesting that mothers day/fathers day, christmas and anyother holiday be spent as "family time" with the three of them.... yeah..the three of them, what about his new family that hes had for the past two years with me? She must have forgotten all about that lol. She initated the seperation and divorce and now she wants to play family? Im sure that more experienced step moms know more about what I am refferring to and have seen it a million times and if they have any advice about keeping the black knight at bay I would love to know how because I feel that she is really trying to put a dent into my very happy relationship with my b/f. I feel like I could write for days about all the terrible little things shes doing but I know that it won't really resolve anything or make her go away anytime soon, I'm just tired of dating his ex wife...

traceynova's picture

You poor sod! She needs to find a bloke of her own and move on. As your ss is so young she will be about for years so you need to find a way to cope, and soon before she drives you insane.

If she buys anything that is not for her son, ie ornaments, return them unopened and tell her you dont need anything. If you get cards inviting herself to family stuff, send them back as well. By not opening the gifts, her little gifts will not have the desired effect.He has to tell her that there is no family with her anymore, she may be the mother of his son, but you are his wench now. He needs to refuse to go to these little family meets as she sees them and alternate who has him on different holidays. If she tries to meet him on her own make sure you go with him if you can.

Stay away from this deluded freak as much as you can and make him see that you need to stick together as a family now, and it does not include her. She is feeling left out and jealous but thats her problem, she left, tough luck, get over it. Do you know her e-mail address? Sign her up for some dating websites.

This is your man and your family, not hers. Dont let her put you on the backfoot. Be stubborn, strong and dont let her win. Whatever she throws at you, match it. My blokes ex, the prostitute, tried it on with me through her kids but I was having none of it. No-one gets the better of me, im spiteful, cold, hard hearted and it feels great! I will fight the fat pig all the way.

Good luck and put the cow in her place.

"Dispute not with her, she is a lunatic."

AngelCakes's picture

Thanks for the support, I wish that she would find someone else to put all this unnecessary attention onto but alas, she states and I quote,"to remain unemotionally attached in the future." (I'd like to attach her to a cement mixer personally...) Its tough to avoid accepting the gifts as she makes sure my SS is right there watching and if we were to refuse she would make sure that he got the," daddy doesn't love us anymore speech." I certainly doesn't help that shes a five minute drive away from us now, makes me feel like I have a stalker on my hands, because she always seems to have the know as to whats going on.

storm's picture

Pretty sure BM was dating her new hubby while going through the divorce, and pretty sure he was the mastermind behind most of the problems today. Some guys are looking to hop on the free ride express and can cause more problems.

But, Angelcakes a little distraction in your case might help. This woman might drive me over the edge.

"That would be a good thing for them to cut on my tombstone: Wherever she went, including here, it was against her better judgment."
Dorothy Parker, 'But the One on the Right,' in New Yorker, 1929
US author, humorist, poet, & wit (1893 - 1967)

AngelCakes's picture

Yeah You'd be suprised how badly the ex wants attention, she'll send countless emails about the smallest and stupidest things just to get some attention, even if its negative attention. My Bf is awesome and I couldn't ask for someone more loving then him, but I can understand why he'd want to get the hell out of dodge when she would talk in third person to him whenever he is around. Im just hoping that by the time this whole divorce/custody situation is through then we can carry on with a normal...well somewhat normal life together and our kids.....something just tells me that she won't be too far away just itchin to stir something up tho

storm's picture

Gold medal winner in the area of patience that is.

Hopefully once everything is done, she'll be a little less intrusive, and your BF will need to set good boundaries with her.

But, I'm coming to the realization the EX will never be too far away.

"That would be a good thing for them to cut on my tombstone: Wherever she went, including here, it was against her better judgment."
Dorothy Parker, 'But the One on the Right,' in New Yorker, 1929
US author, humorist, poet, & wit (1893 - 1967)