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BMS0820's picture

I'm so exhausted. Being hungover and kids do not mix well. Can I get an amen and some stories about this?

justwantnormal's picture

I will need to start drinking soon. LOL. I lurk here. Almost three yrs. my fiancé has a psycho ex from hell. I know we all deal with it, but I can save my issues with this one for a bestseller. Today I have thought alot about walking away - more than I ever have. I am so depressed after a day of just too much legal and psychological shit from the nutcase. It gets worse as time goes on. FH is amazing, and FSS6 is ok but sometimes it is so overwhelming. I always hoped things would get better but they don't. He tells me if I leave or "ruin our time" focusing on her, she is winning. OK. WHAT THE FUCK EVER. How about I NEVER signed up for THIS. Nobody would! I don't even have the energy to write it all out. Makes me feel better that others have issues, so I read here to feel better. Anyways, I saw someones tag line today about the psycho triple dipped. I laughed for the first time in hours on one of my most miserable days. THANK YOU for making me realize others find a way to pull through!

As for your hangover, if your life is anything like mine, DRINK MORE, I WISH I COULD! LOL.

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

Leave this man while you can. If you have doubts, you should listen to them.

I've been married for 7 years to a man with spoiled rotten, disrespectful kids and crazy, greedy asshole ex-wife.

Get out now before you invest more of yourself and your sanity into these ingrateful people.

Date a man with no kids or grown kids.

Best of luck to you.

BMS0820's picture

At least SDs have a friend spending night....they are had a mini meltdown earlier but at least it didn't last....Justwantnormal I completely understand how u feel as I've been's been a difficult process but so worth it in the end....

prozac_nation's picture

AMEN! Not even talking about skids either, you can have them go play. But a baby? OH NO. You're screwed. Blum 3

Hangovers suck.

So glad I barely ever drink. LOL

sad2012's picture

Justwantnormal.....C*&T is what I call the phyco ex!! My story is a novel!! But god I love my DH or I would not put up with all the BS!!!

Orange County Ca's picture

It will get worse if you get married. You made no mention of children of your own. Seriously consider if you really want to live with this and worse for the rest of your life. The kid will never completely go away and unless his mother dies neither will she albet in about a decade or two she'll have less influence on your life.

A decade or two. You think about that for a moment. How old will I be? How will my life be better?

So "she wins". Who cares and more importantly why should you care? This was not your battle and now you've been drafted and expected to rally around the flag. Why? What's your gain? Oh I know you like this guy but is he really worth it? After all there must be a million guys out there without children to chose from.

Get out while you're young.

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

Couldn't have said better myself.

I've been married for 7, long misery filled years. The skids and the ex-wife shit will only get worse. Trust me.

Get out and find a man that has no kids.