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They're Back and I feel like crap

HadEnoughx5's picture

BM is on the attack and she's going for a direct hit. Her ammo is the skids. Her victim is me through hubby.

History: BM and Hubby have been divorced for 7 years, she cheated on him. We went to court in March and received 50/50 custody and BM was found guilty of alienating SD and SS10 from BF. BF was given final medical decision making because BM was too laxed on seeking medical attention for the skids.

A nasty gramm came yesterday from BM to BF stating that I should not be taking the skids to their medical appts. That she should be doing that if he can't. Nothing states in the CO that I can't take them. He notifies her of their appts and the outcome of the appt. BM complains he doesn't split activity costs but complains that he is spending money on supporting their son because she thinks the son doesn't need it.

The older son has ADHD and Aspergers ( the second one is what she refused to have testing on) he is an extremely picky eater. His diet consists of carbs and dairy. He is now over weight and has high cholesterol. He has a problem eating foods that he has already eaten before. He will state that it looks weird, cut wrong, tastes strange or simply argue that he doesn't like that and never has. Hubby told BM that we are seeking professional help. Her comment is "if your insurance pays for a nutritionist then get one. But common sense would tell you what a balanced diet is." This is the same dumb bitch that said he had nothing wrong with him...Aspergers!

BM's pissed off that we showed the ss's the PAS DVD. The boys 10 and 11 identified their own sister's behavior. We explained that we did not want this to happen to them and their relationship with their BF.

The tone and mood of the boys is changing. They speaking with their Dad but are almost ignoring me. The youngest and I were very close (I came into his life when he was 4 and now is 10) and he is barely talking or sharing anything with me. The older one is angry that I'm checking his backpack because I'm not his parent.

I just feel worn out and beat up. I wish there were some answers out there. If I back away...BM wins the battle and if I keep at it, then I get frustrated and I just want to spill my guts. I know that's their BM and they love her as they should. But really? I haven't done anything to her.

liks's picture

aaawwww you poor thing....I got something similiar here but couldnt give two shits if the BM has them all the time....she is wellcome to the delinquent skids and I hope I never have to see them eva again....

Auteur's picture

AMEN! My three skids eventually PASed out over house rules and wholesome home cooked meals. When DisneyDad started to ebb away, so did the skids, for which I am TRULY grateful. They are the most heathenous feral peccories i have EVER known! The second one (SD) will become a TEENAGER in November and all hell will break loose as she is a hellion NOW.

My bios are grown and were taught by me to be well mannered and well behaved. Such a difference!!

liks's picture be expecting the Disney Dad to buy her a car soon....good luck with that one auteur!!!

Sorry...I had to add it.....the SS16 expecting he was owed one....but BD17 and I had just been out to Atlantic City looking at options of her leasing a nice vehicle once she gets a how can DH buy one car to the overweight smart arse horror kid and not to the angelic acting daughter of mine....who I might add lives with us and loves her SD....unlike the turd that prefers to live in the witches covern of his lesbian mother and her skanky stupid lover


I cant do this anymore.'s picture

Mine are all adults and try to make life miserable for me and my DH. Although, I must say, as frustrating as it has been at times, DH has most often stood up for me, because I have done nothing wrong. I love my life now that they have all moved out. If you can truly say you've done the best you could, and ultimatum to DH works pretty good. It did for me.

Hold your head up high. Your expectations higher.