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Is there anything that can be done?

Twopeasnapod's picture

DH is going to be receiving his 2 girls in the summer for 6 weeks. He currently pays 1200 in child support. He is in the military and we have priced the cost of summer care while he is at work at 950 dollars. It is based on his pay. Unless we get her to agree to pay a portion of that we won't be able to afford to have them. I don't think she will agree to be quite honest and she doesn't work so his money is her only source of income. Is there nothing we can do? No petition we can file? I know I can only stand by and watch but that is not fair in my opinion. My ex takes my kids for the summer and I pay their daycare costs. I know everyone can't be like this but I want him to be able to have his kids. We don't live in the same state.

Twopeasnapod's picture

Yes we have but even that is 100 or more a week for summer camps. Child support plus the daycare is already 2000. We could never afford it.

Jellybeam's picture

What about a private sitter? a grandma type? If you go to church, that's a good place to find them.

Twopeasnapod's picture

He doesn't at all!! That WOULD be helpful except that is what we are trying to figure out. He is still going to be paying full child support and then all their daycare and care expenses.

cant win for losin's picture

Theres nothing about an abatement in his cs when the kids stay overnight for more than 7 executive night? I had an old bf who tried to tell me he didnt have that and i looked at his papers and found it.

jumanji's picture

CS is usually calculated on a yearly basis (which takes into account the time the NCP has the child), and then split into 12 equal payments.

Twopeasnapod's picture

I understand all of that but their visitation schedule says 2 weeks for summer and she offered to let him take the kids for 6 weeks which is not included in their arrangement. I guess that is my point.