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summer bedtime

bug's picture

What is an appropriate bedtime for a 7 year old? DH thinks since there is no school the kid can stay up all hours of the night. I need adult time to unwind in the evenings. Plus the kid comes at 8 a.m. three mornings a week and there are activities I have planned during the morning and I know without a consistent bedtime this kid is going to have a foul mood and be hard to deal with. I am thinking this kid needs to be in bed by nine.

EvilWickedSM's picture

Yep, this is what my rules are in the summer. I too love that time to myself in the evenings. I will never understand why parents let their kids stay up all hours of the night.

SMof2Girls's picture

Our skids go to bed at 9pm when they're at our home. They're 5 and 7. They have to be at their day care/summer camp by 9am in the morning, so they get plenty of sleep with a 9pm bedtime.

Most of the time they get showers and brush teeth around 7pm though .. so the last 2 hours or so is more chill time (reading, watching a movie, etc).

When staying with their mom, they go to bed at 7:30pm.

SMof2Girls's picture

I agree. My skids are a little on the young side and would probably stay up all night if we let them. It's also hard to have different bedtimes for them because they share a room at our house. But as they get older, I can see us being more flexible with it.

Willow2010's picture

I always let my kids stay up later during the summer. At 7 years old, I would say 10 ish at the latest.

On the other hand...if it was SS...I would say it should be an 8:00 bed time. }:)

step off already's picture

Totally depends on the next day's activities. In past summers, the kids have had day camp while I go to work so we've basically kept the standard routine - 8 pm everyone retires to their rooms and they can read, etc.

This summer, I'll be home on maternity leave and will have the baby in July. Kids have a few activites scheduled that will start at 9, so on those days, we'll probaby do an earlier bedtime. On the other nights, it will probably be 9 pm for the 9 and 10 year olds and then 10 for the 12 and 13 year old.

icehockey101's picture

We expand our school year bedtimes by 30 minutes. So DS5 is at 8, and DD9 is 9. They tend to get up pretty early (7am) regardless of when they go to bed, so it can't be too late. And of course it becomes whenever for special days (fireworks, etc).

oldone's picture

I have no clue. I have no children nor minor skids.

I never had a bedtime for myself. I've seen friends who never had a bedtime for their children - they just fell asleep in the floor at some point in time. We all turned out okay.

But I don't think it is unreasonable to have a bedtime not for the kids' sake but for your sake.

BadMamaJAMA's picture

SD7's bedtime is officially 8:30, but my SO lets her stay up with her iPad "for 15 minutes." I walk by to pee at 11 and My Little Pony is still wafting from her room.

So my answer is 9:00. Smile

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

SS8 goes to bed at 8:00 no matter what night it is, since he's up at the ass crack of dawn even when he doesn't have to be. If he doesn't get enough sleep, he's effing miserable. We let him stay up until 10 one night, and he was a bastard all the next day. It hasn't happened again.

snowdrop's picture

7 yr olds need 10 hrs (10-12 hrs) of sleep whether it's summer or not... I agree with you! maybe pull up some information on the internet about it to show your DH to support your point?

jumanji's picture

Never did a bedtime here. Especially in the summer. We all found it hard to get to sleep with it being lighter out. No one has become a serial killer due to a lack of bedtime.

SMof2Girls's picture

Our skids still have a schedule in the summer .. they may be out of school, but we still have to go to work. It's typically plenty dark enough by 9:00 or 9:30 and I honestly don't want to deal with the cranky kid mornings Blum 3

I think with older kids who can make a responsible choice about going to bed, no bed time would work; but my SD5 will force herself to stay awake just because .. lol!

PeanutandSons's picture

Bedtimes stay the same in our house school year or summer. Everyone still get up at the same time for daycare since I have to work.

Bedtime is 8pm for week nights and 9pm for weekends. If we have something special going on, like fireworks or a holiday party, then bedtime is whenever we get home.

I have ss11, sd10, bs4 and bs1 and they all have the same bedtime. We tried giving the older kids extra time and push their bedtime back to 830 and it was a disaster. They were tired and ornery in school, falling asleep in class and just generally being cranky jerks.. they went back to 8pm.

PeanutandSons's picture

Bedtimes stay the same in our house school year or summer. Everyone still get up at the same time for daycare since I have to work.

Bedtime is 8pm for week nights and 9pm for weekends. If we have something special going on, like fireworks or a holiday party, then bedtime is whenever we get home.

I have ss11, sd10, bs4 and bs1 and they all have the same bedtime. We tried giving the older kids extra time and push their bedtime back to 830 and it was a disaster. They were tired and ornery in school, falling asleep in class and just generally being cranky jerks.. they went back to 8pm.

GREMLINS's picture

I have SD 4 and SS5 and they go to bed the same time all year round, they do just tend to find it a little harder to get to sleep in summer so we got some thick curtains for there room! They are in bed by 7pm and 8pm on weekends. We are normally up in the morning at six thirty/ seven and if they go to bed any later than 8 any night it ruins the whole weekend!