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Stepson seeking help?

Neville-2020's picture

Hi guys 
I know this is generally a forum for step parents but as a stepson  I'd like to ask for some help , all my life I was a single child with 2 parents now this all changed and I have a stepmom  and 2 stepsisters
my stepmom does like me and seems to care for me and my stepsisters  appear to like me ,( though it can also likely be traced to her working with kids as a peadtrician maybe?)as for my father - stepkids  relations so far it appears to be decent from my observations , now onto my main issue I'm pretty old as far as stepfamilies  go (14) and I've only known my stepmom for 6 months but she just seems so kind to me and doesn't really differentiate between her bio kids and me , here's my first main question am I too old to love/be loved by my stepmom?
 Can the age gap between my stepmom (36) my father (49) be a major issue if they truly care for each other?
Also my stepmom generally says that she got lucky with me what could this mean?


SonOfABrisketMaker's picture

Youve only known your father's wife for 6 months? He sure moved fast.


also, no matter what the age gap, your dad's relationship with his wife really isn't your business other than if she treats you with respect and you are cared for in the home.

also, don't start finding your new stepmother and stepsisters attractive.

Rags's picture

It means that you are an intelligent, well behaved young man  and not a PITA.

The age difference between your dad and SM shouldn’t be a problem.  That your dad and SM both have tenable relationships with each other’s children bodes well.

Keep your head in the game, maintain personal standards of reasonable behavior and enjoy the new relationships in your life.  It has to be a good thing for your dad to be happy.

So take deep breaths and take care of you.

Notup4it's picture

No you are not too old... just don’t let your parents play games with one another, just make sure to stay out of it if that is ever the case.... always stay neutral. Every child deserves to have both parents, and to never have to choose, and the more people you have in your life who love and care about you the better. 

The relationship is still fairly new so just keep lovinf your dad and develops a friendship with the others. Smile