Step Daughter disobeying court order
So stepdaughter 11 one night at 9pm decides she wants to defy court order and walk up to mommies house 4 houses away. Dad says no when she says she is going. He goes up stairs, she leaves.
He walks up to exwifes and knocks on the door, step-father answers and attacks him. Tries to make him fall to the ground. My husband stood his ground. In doing so he had a rectal prolapse ( didnt know it at the time) and bruises under his arms and a very sore shoulder. We called the police. They took a report and asked mother to return daughter she refused lied and said she was asleep.
The next day husband came home from work in pain, we went to the doctor, he was then diagnosed with a prolapsed rectum and had to have surgery. We got a restraining order also.
I was concerned that daughter was not punished, its her fault she didnt mind. I know she didnt attack him and mom should of also told her no.
Their side is daughter was tired and she wanted to stay there. Step dad is claiming father tried to break in.
My response; gheeze do you call the police on yourself? Do you not inflict injury and not be violent and do you in fact get injured and your too blame. It was our week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comments please.. what do we do his daughter is always doing this a drop of the hate she runs to her moms mad sad or doesnt want to follow the rules even for her to help with homework. Last week she spent one night out of 7 here!
Let her go live with her
Let her go live with her mother and count your blessings.
We cant afford to pay child
We cant afford to pay child support. Mom is a scammer and that is why she is allowing this and in fact encouraging it so she can collect and not have to work. Dad also wants daughter in life! Sad
Custody is 50/50 no child
Custody is 50/50 no child support... 7 days off and on..... He wants her to go live with mom in lue of abuse believe me. Most the time she is a gruff mean child but we do have awesome family times too. Besides its not fair or right. Mom should be punished and daughter should follow the rules!
Sounds so easy...but we
Sounds so easy...but we bought our house and we did it to bring her worlds together... all that has to happen is for her mother to follow the rules ...thus making her follow the rules. Why in the world should we move our family because mama can't make her daughter follow the rules! I think its time for the judge to discipline mama we have been over accomodating and now are suing her and her violent husband.
Yes filed assult on her
Yes filed assult on her husband and a restraining order. Mom won't make her follow the rules. Let's her do wtf she wants. Dad has no say
Just ..... WOW! 11 years
:jawdrop: Just ..... WOW! :jawdrop:
11 years old is prime butt whoopin time. Bend her over the sofa arm, drop her drawers and light her bare kid ass up with a paddle or belt. End of problem. She does what she is told when she is told or she has a very stinging ass and her life becomes one of abject misery until she gets the message. After you go to town on her butt put her at a very uncomfortable desk with a pad of paper and a pencil to write several thousand sentences that clearly gets the message across. I like 10,000 as a nice meaningful number of sentences.
"I will do what I am told when I am told to do it or I will suffer the consequences of my decision to disobey."
She can write every free minute she has until she completes all 10,000 sentences in perfect hand writing with no errors or erasures at a pace of 150 sentences per hour. No TV, no games, no playing with friends, no family time except 15 minutes for meals and if she takes a potty break she damned well better not miss one sentence in the quota for that hour. One missed hourly quota or one messy sentence adds another 1000 or so sentences to the ..... sentence.
As for the assault by StepDad, self defense is perfectly legal and your DH should have beaten that asshole to death when he had the chance.
I have zero tolerance for idiocy and the Skid, BM and the StepFather qualify in this instance.
I agree with those who have suggested moving. Rent the house out, move far enough away that the Skid would find it difficult to walk to BMs, put a river or mountain or two between your home and BMs.
Most importantly make sure that you and DH are carrying a fire arm under a legal concealed weapons permit for the next time StepDad gets physical then double tap his idiot ass and end that problem.
All IMHO of course.
No doubt what you say is
No doubt what you say is true. Come on down to Texas where this kind of crap is not tolerated. We take refugees ... even from NY.
In all seriousness, I understand that my no BS stands tend to be less than tolerant and that my own StepDad situation has been a blessed one for the most part.
However, what amazes me is how many people tolerate this kind of crap from their kids/skids and from the Xs. I would own the XW and her husband in the situation presented by the OP whether I had more resources or not. And that little girl would never be able to make that same mistake again without having her memory come screaming back to the forefront of her grey matter due to the firm consequences of her actions from the first time.
I just have to shake my head
I just have to shake my head HRNYC... in one of your other posts (reply) you stated that parents NEED to live close to each other to facilitate the back and forth.
See what happens sometimes when that occurs?? Nothing but problems in this instance.
Just curious, but is there ever a "right way" with you?
I'm not trying to bait you, I just need to know. I read a lot of your responses and rarely have I ever seen you agree with anyone. No circumstance is ever "right", no SM is ever "right".
I totally agree with your
I totally agree with your assessment of NYC. It's befuddling.
LOL@ B22:)
LOL@ B22:)
Your right sd needs and isn't
Your right sd needs and isn't getting consequnce EVER ... .that's the p.roblem and soon she will chosse to live with mama
So what is Dad doing about
So what is Dad doing about it?
Was stepdad arrested? And BM
Was stepdad arrested?
And BM should have been forced to turn over the child.
no he was not arrested. And
no he was not arrested. And the police told bm make the child go to dads she did not, they documented it only. Dad cant do much and is now healing on the couch, the bm lied told daughter that his illness had nothing to do with step dad, her dad told her the truth but believes mom. Thinks he just wants her to feel sorry for him. Told her he tried to break in! Lies. Step daughter had ZERO consequences, mother zero consequences and so far step dad zero consequences., yES ONLY DAD THE ONE THAT WANTED HIS KID AT HIS HOUSE DURING HIS WEEK OF VISITATION. HE IS HEALING HIS ASS OFF WORK AND LOOSING MONEY HAD HIS LIFE THREATENED!
no he was not arrested. And
no he was not arrested. And the police told bm make the child go to dads she did not, they documented it only. Dad cant do much and is now healing on the couch, the bm lied told daughter that his illness had nothing to do with step dad, her dad told her the truth but believes mom. Thinks he just wants her to feel sorry for him. Told her he tried to break in! Lies. Step daughter had ZERO consequences, mother zero consequences and so far step dad zero consequences., yES ONLY DAD THE ONE THAT WANTED HIS KID AT HIS HOUSE DURING HIS WEEK OF VISITATION. HE IS HEALING HIS ASS OFF WORK AND LOOSING MONEY HAD HIS LIFE THREATENED!
no he was not arrested. And
no he was not arrested. And the police told bm make the child go to dads she did not, they documented it only. Dad cant do much and is now healing on the couch, the bm lied told daughter that his illness had nothing to do with step dad, her dad told her the truth but believes mom. Thinks he just wants her to feel sorry for him. Told her he tried to break in! Lies. Step daughter had ZERO consequences, mother zero consequences and so far step dad zero consequences., yES ONLY DAD THE ONE THAT WANTED HIS KID AT HIS HOUSE DURING HIS WEEK OF VISITATION. HE IS HEALING HIS ASS OFF WORK AND LOOSING MONEY HAD HIS LIFE THREATENED!
no he was not arrested. And
no he was not arrested. And the police told bm make the child go to dads she did not, they documented it only. Dad cant do much and is now healing on the couch, the bm lied told daughter that his illness had nothing to do with step dad, her dad told her the truth but believes mom. Thinks he just wants her to feel sorry for him. Told her he tried to break in! Lies. Step daughter had ZERO consequences, mother zero consequences and so far step dad zero consequences., yES ONLY DAD THE ONE THAT WANTED HIS KID AT HIS HOUSE DURING HIS WEEK OF VISITATION. HE IS HEALING HIS ASS OFF WORK AND LOOSING MONEY HAD HIS LIFE THREATENED!