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SS2 and SS5 are always sick... HELP.

jdpalfi's picture

Okay, I know it's normal for kids to get sick, but not near as often as my SS. Both of them are sick all the time. SS2 has been on Amoxicillan at least once a month since October, partially because BM loves to take him to the doctor, he could cough once and she's at the doctor, that shit is NOT cheap. And SS5 is going through the same things, just got picked up by DH from daycare with a 103.2 fever. Any recommendations on what the hell to give these kids so they aren't in and out of the doctor and we're not having to miss work so much! BM, DH & I work full time and the daycare won't let them come back for at least 24 hours after having a fever, so it's a two day ordeal everytime they are sick. Can kids become immune to Amoxicillan? How the hell do we get BM to stop taking them to the dr with every little thing? Can we give them a stronger vitamin or something. This is getting ridiculous! Sad

SMof2Girls's picture

How is their diet, on a regular basis? Do they take vitamins? Has anyone talked to the doctor about the issue, and what he/she would suggest?

I think the doctor is the best starting point. But as a general rule, proper health and nutrition go a LONG way to prevent most of these things. I would start with that and continue to consult with the doctor if nothing improves. Phone calls and emails to the doctor are usually free.

jdpalfi's picture

I also talked to the daycare director, there has been a lot of viral stuff going around. I just don't know how to tell BM tomorrow when I drop them off to not take SS5 to the doctor, because I know she will anyways, at least our deductible will be filled quick this year on insurance I guess..

jdpalfi's picture

Well, their diet was pretty much all processed foods when DH was with BM, and it remains that at her house, she loves an easy solution, but she does give them vitamins,as do we when we have them. At our house it's all non processed food as much as we can, little to no sugar, and 2 glasses of milk a day. SS5 just recently had 3 teeth extracted and about 1200 worth of dental work (he had to be put under and go to the hospital because he flips out at the dentist, but I don't blame the kid, I would be terrified too), because of the condition of his teeth when he was younger, BM never made him drink milk and let him have pretty much whatever he wants, her favorite saying is I don't want to deal with it. So recently their diet has changed, little to no sugar as per the dentists orders, but we're not sure what happens at BM's house. The doctor seems to not see a big problem, but it does scare me because SS2 had a terrible Upper Respiratory Infection and reacted to an ant bite on Christmas Eve, BM dropped him off Christmas Day with a 104 fever, so we took him to the E.R., Amoxicillan did nothing and they had to put him on Kephlex (sp?) a much stronger antibiotic, I worry that he may become immune to the Amoxicillan. I guess we can call the doctor again and see what she says, she's a pretty strict doctor and seems to be good with stuff like this, I just wonder if we could take him to another dr. and get a second opinion sometimes, just don't wanna have BM get pissed for stepping on toes.

nothinforya's picture

It's not the kids who get immune to the antibiotics, it's the bacteria. Viruses are not killed by antibiotics, so it's pointless to prescribe them unless there is a bacterial infection, such as ear infection or bronchitis, for example. Usually, fever does not result from a cold virus. It is something else, either a flu virus, or a bacterial infection like strep. High fever that is persistant needs medical evaluation. Persistant coughing that sounds croupy might need antibiotics, but if it has been less than 10 days, without fever, it's probably still viral, and steam will help more than anything.

Small children are virus factories. Unfortunately, this is just the way it is. You can teach them to wash their hands often, and not pick their noses or rub their eyes, but in a day care situation, there will be transmission of viruses before anyone knows a child is sick. In a few years, they will have immunity to many of the typical childhood viral infections, and it will get better. For now, one illness a month is about what you can expect.

jdpalfi's picture

Thanks for the advice, I was sick every time we had them when me and DH first got together, and ended up building my immune system up I guess. DH just texted me and said SS5 now wants to play baseball and his fever has gone down, I swear it's a rollercoaster! Went from almost 104 and crying at 11:30 to being okay and wanting to go outside.

nothinforya's picture

At least we live in a world where a fever doesn't mean dying, where infections don't take the lives of 4 out of 5 children under 5 years old, and where we have immunizations for so many illnesses. In my childhood, the polio vaccine was brand new. Children got measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, scarlet fever, and many more. A few generations before that, there was smallpox and plague to deal with. Many places now have malaria and rampant HIV infections killing the children. Afghanistan has active polio affecting children. How messed up is that? All the billions spent in that country, and we can't even protect the babies from POLIO??

Orange County Ca's picture

Giving antibiotics for viral infections is more than a waste of money.

Google as I just did" 'too many antibiotics'

There are a ton of articles giving the side effects and dangers of overdosing antibiotics. Unfortunately many doctors will prescribe them just to shut the patient up and this would be doubly true of a 'helicoptor parent'.

Anyway find the best article or web site that described what the BM is doing and print it out and have hubby give it to BM or he can sent a link with a email.

The BM is literally setting thse kids up for a antibiotic failure later in life which could cost them their lives. It also deprives their immune systems of a chance to develop into a real fighting machine. Most people don't realize that WW III is being faught 24hours a day right in their bodies and the antibiotics messes up this developing system.

jdpalfi's picture

I will see if DH will do that, usually he wants as little conversation and issues with BM as possible, but this is getting to be affecting them, and our wallets. I just worry that she will make it worse now because of what she has done inthe past, SS2 gets bruises easily and seems to have an iron deficiency, BM said she gives him 4-5 BOTTLES a day, he's almost 3, and after googling it, Iron Deficiency can be caused by too much milk, and kids that drink it out of a bottle at an older age are even more at risk (not sure why the bottle matters but still, he's almost 3...) and she continues to drop him off with bottles, almost so bad to the point where he will complain some nights about wanting his baa before bed. :?

sunbeam0901's picture

SS8 used to get sick constantly and also had hearing and speech problems. BM & DH finally agreed that removing his tonsils & adenoids would be the best thing for him. He was 3 or 4 when he had the surgery. He's hardly ever sick now. I'm not sure if that would be an option for either of your SSs but it worked for mine.

BM gave SS8 a bottle until he was 4. Yes. FOUR years old & she still gave him a bottle. DH had to BUY the bottle from her for $20 in order to get her to wean him off of the damn things.