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Sorry BM, you wanna play Bi*ch I'll play bi*ch!

MdMom's picture

So, yesterday I posted about how irritated I was that BM didn't let me know she wasn't going to bring SD over (I just began watching SD while BM works cause she 'can't afford child care for two.) I was trying to be nice... Extending the olive branch.

So I told FDH he needed to contact her last night to see if she was goingto bbring SD over today and explain common humancurtsey... To which her reply was 'NO, I will not be bringing SD tomorrow, and if MDMom doesn't like how o handle things too bad.'

I told FDH, nope. Tell her to find other Child care for SD. I'm doing it anymore, I may stay at home with DDs but I have a life too. If BM wants to be a bitch about me helping her out then I'm not gonna. She can figure her own shit out. I'm done trying to be nice to someone who clearly doesn't want my help.

thank god FDH didn't argue. He just laughed and said 'okay, I guess she deserves that.' Lol

Gloves are off BM. Not playing your games anymore.and it feels so good.

Calypso1977's picture

the stupidity of some of these BM's (including the one in my life) never ceases to amaze me.

MdMom's picture

Oh yeah, I made sure of it. She threw a HUGE fit... To which we ignored.

He told her that if she couldn't communicate times and days with me I could help with SD.

She tried to say that she doesn't know her hours til the day of... BS. To which FDH said thats not going to work for MDmom. So I would recommend you try to find other child care.

I wouldn't have said it so nicely... But it got the point across.

MdMom's picture

Absolutely... I'm setting an example for my girls, if I don't stand up for what I want/need (respect) then I'm just showing them that its okay to be walked on by people who THINK they are better you.

I have been a door mat my entire high school career... Now that real life has begun I am beginning to realize its not what I want.and its not what I want for my kids.

MdMom's picture

Yes, it was definitely a learning stone for me.

I believe I am here to be a positive female roll model for SD and my DDs, not a whipping girl for BM and her games. I am trying to set an example for the little ladies in my life. If you don't like the way someone treats you don't let them get away with treating you that way... This is, one of many things, I hope to instil in my girls.

EvilWickedSM's picture

Good for you and DH! I would have loved to be a fly on the wall in BM's house right now. I'll bet she is throwing a fit...haha. Oh well, that's what she gets.

MdMom's picture

I am very proud of FDH. If this would have happened a year ago he would have expected me to 'go with it'. But as the time goes by (we've been together almost 3 years) he is starting to realize that BM has no leg to stand on if she wanted to try to get full custody.

And he has begun to see how crazy BM can be. One day she thanks him for finding me to help with SD, then the next day she goes Ape shit saying how I'm trouble, and I will never be asgood as a mom as she is. I laughed wwhen I read the texts, I don't want to be 'mom' I'm happy with being MDmom to SD. I just want to be a positive roll model for her.

I do know that BM's BS is gonna start again, with trying to alienate SD from FDH and I. SD is only 3, and she is just starting to figure out what everyone's roll is. I just hope that if/when BM starts trying to Alienate again SD won't fall into it.

Orange County Ca's picture

I can understand short notice from employers who don't give one whit about a employees problems with day care but this woman's attitude towards a free care giver is incredible.

I'm glad your husband backed you up.

MdMom's picture

Lol, thank you.

Oldest DD is almost 2 now, SD just turned 3, and younger DD will be 1 this week... And only have two weeks until our little man should be here. It is ALOT! And some days I feel crazy, but I thank God every day for FDH, because I know I couldn't do it with out his support and help.

Also it helps that I have a large supportive family close by to letme breath when iI need to.