Social Study !!!!
The counselor conducting our social study saw right through BM lies !! We won, medical and all. I am sooo happy , a 5 year fight should finally cease ! Court next week, then a deep, deep sigh of relief from me !!
Congrats - you deserve it -
Congrats - you deserve it - Yippee - so good when one of our STalkers gets good news - hope you all celebrate all weekend!
Hopefully this will start a
Hopefully this will start a trend. We have a big court coming up too. Send your good luck vibes my way please.
Woohooooo! Congratulations!
Woohooooo! Congratulations!
We are having 'evaluations'
We are having 'evaluations' too, our girl got into the juvenile justice system and they actually noticed the stark contrast in her behaviors right after her encounters with her BM. At the moment the system is working on our behalf and, more importantly, on our girl's behalf. We submitted to five hours of evaluations, have counsellors at the house and we are passing the grade!! The BM is offered the opportunity to follow through with the procedures and has to sign a piece of paper to say that agreements will be honored and if she falls short then she is penalized. Previously WE picked up the entire tab for costs!! We have legal custody of the children, all of them!! The cuckoo birds abandoned them into our nest. It's a mess but we do what we have to do for the kids' futures. In a year they will be going to college and we have the rest of our lives together as a couple. Family is important!! It's been quite impossible some days, horrendous others, but it's all worth it to see the successful outcome. It breaks my heart when she asks me 'how did you get to be such a good Momma?' I cannot even begin to imagine the trauma of being failed by a biological mother. Now, ask me why our girl has problems??