So tired of everthing being dragged out!!!
I am just in such a bad mood right now! I want my husband to be more proactive in this situation with his daughter! We have been waiting around basically for his little angel to call us and see if she will come over this weekend because we want to fix up her room! He is letting her control things too much, being too "nice". In other words a pushover. Oh honey we'll just wait until your ready! What a crock of BS! And letting both SD and BM have too much control!
He is trying though, he is going to mediation and trying to work things out with SD's crazy mom. But she has dragged out the process by missing many medation meetings! But at least the medatior say through her and say what a flake, liar, and all around Drama Queen she is! The mediator met me and thought I was wonderful! BM got mad that me and my husband met with the mediator on our own! Well that witch was bad mouthing me and I needed to defend myself! Every word that comes out of this woman's mouth is a lie!
I just know if it was me in this situation I would be putting my foot down more, and just being more firm! We have been through this kind of thing many times, were his daughter doesn't want to come over for some reason. I just think she should come over when she is scheduled to and that's it! It shoudn't be about her getting her little way. And it's insulting, like our house isn't good enough, we have a TV in her room and a Wii, she is so ungrateful. We have feelings and needs to, and I'm tired of all the dramatice BS! But I guess that's part of being a Step-Mother! Ahh!
And all of this BS has been going on since last November! So wrong!
almost 13. But there is good
almost 13. But there is good news we think. Hubby's daughter called him today and said she wanted to get together with him on Sunday. We 3 are all going to a play, Willie Wonka, so that should be fun. And we are going to discuss remodeling her room.
But I must admit I am pretty annoyed with my SD. I mean she wanted to change some things in her room and that is fine. But instead of telling us, she complains to her mother, who can really do nothing about it! And we are reasonable people! And we do care about her, she does desereve the changes to her room, we haven't redecorated is since she was like 6 or 7, so her tastes have changed. And her mother told the mediator that there was mold in her room, there isn't. I find this extremely insulting, like BM is implying that our house is dirty, we keep it clean! I mean this woman is the worst housekeeper I have ever seen. In her apartment you can't even walk on the floor, there's so much clothes and other crap on the floor! So she's one to talk!
I just want our kid to tell us if there is a problem, we are the ones who can fix it, not everyone else! I wish there was better communication from this girl! She used to go to counseling, and the mediator suggested she get back into that! Maybe her communication skills will get better, and it would be nice if she had someone neutral to talk to.
Anyway, we shall see how Sunday goes!
Well she may be saying
Well she may be saying whatever the mom wants to hear, you know.
I would not say anything to call her down right now, just observe if at all possible! and maybe DH will step up!!!
Hope it goes well today!!