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So there I was in labor....

Betty79's picture

Long story short...I had a 55 hour labor about a month ago. We had SS7 that weekend (of course) and he was sent to stay with his Uncle so that I could labor without scaring the crap out of the kid. After 16 hours DH and I went to the hospital only to be sent home bc I was only 2cm dilated. I was vomiting and in PAIN (OMG it was AWFUL) the entire rest of the night. I passed out between contractions (5 mins apart) and vomited frequently. In the morning my DH woke up and said "I'm going to go to see SS7, I feel bad I haven't spent any time with him this weekend." WHAT THE F*CK?? I was in hour 24 of labor, dehydrated and in the most pain I had ever felt. I still have't told DH how STUPID he is.

tigerbum's picture

OMG i am so angry just reading your post! Is DH off his head? I would've gone crazy at him. Men are from Mars! Hope you and baby are doing well. xx

Anywho78's picture're far nicer than I am...I would have had his balls in a blender!

I'm so sorry that you had to experience that level of stupidity during your difficult labor!

Hopefully all is well with you & your new baby?

emotionaly beat up's picture

Oh no here we go again, another daddy feeling guilty. What is wrong with these men. He absolutely did the right thing in sending the child to his uncle's place while you were in labour, might have been better if he could have gone back to BM, but even so, he clearly could not stay with you guys. So, what does he have to feel guilty about, LEAVING YOU at that time, is what he should feel guilty about, if he was so worried about being a GOOD dad, then why did he leave his unborn child and put you and the unborn child at risk. What would he have done if you had delivered the child on your own. Sorry, but he is an idiot. I cannot believe he was so irresponsible and so stupid.

I am so angry for you, and I guess you don't need that. So, without calling your husband an idiot again, can I just say to you that you must talk this over with him and set some boundries NOW, otherwise you will suffer what so many on this site suffer...your new baby will come second to the kids he left because he will always feel guilty for leaving them.

Sorry, I am still mad - what he did to you was appalling.

Hope you and the baby are doing well.

Betty79's picture

We are doing good, after a 3 week stint in the NICU (meconium aspiration) he is home and healthy. Being a BM has been a crazy adventure so far. Thanks for listening to my vent, I don't know what I would do without this site.

alwaysanxious's picture

Please message me your H info. I would like to tell him what a *u*ktard he was.

littlemommy's picture

I am so glad that your baby is now happy and healthy. As for your husband if I were you I would have gave him an at home vasectomy the second he even suggested leaving you for SS! :jawdrop:

giveitago's picture

He could have just phoned the uncle, explained, and spoken to SS on the phone in between supporting you and him taking a break his own self. He'll pay! ALWAYS there's a kickback with this crap, you do not have to do a single thing! One day someone will tell him of their similar experience and he'll catch himself saying how horrible that person is....then it will HIT HIM LIKE TON OF BRICKS that he WAS that person! Karma my friend...just wait! I've had occasion to raise an eyebrow at DH as he listens to someone's story...I'm like 'really?'

mama_althea's picture

"One day someone will tell him of their similar experience and he'll catch himself saying how horrible that person is....then it will HIT HIM LIKE TON OF BRICKS that he WAS that person!"

Yes, but the chances of hearing about someone doing something similar are so ridiculously slim because NO NORMAL PERSON WOULD DO THIS.

Man, what a douchebag.

giveitago's picture

I agree with you, no normal person does this. There are some people who take temporary leave of their senses once in a while.
I would also like to give some benefit of the doubt.
Oh, you can take poetic license, as a new mom, and give him hell and blame it on 'hormones'!

CrystalRE's picture

Ugh! This reminds me of the last time I had surgery. DH and I had been together for almost a year. He and I were sitting in pre-op...we had started to say goodbye so they could roll me back to the operating room when his cell phone rings. Its BM and HE ANSWERED IT...totally ignored me, let me go back to the OR without saying goodbye so he could chat it up with BM on the phone!

Elizabeth's picture

Wow, you're nicer than I am. If DH had tried to walk out the door while I was in labor to see SD, I would have told him no uncertain terms that if he left at that moment, it would be a LONG time before he saw me again and not to bother showing up at the hospital. No way, no how would he have been able to leave that house because I would have had his balls in a vice grip.

Jsmom's picture

What an ass...Several surgeries I have had to had for minor stuff the last couple of years. When I was scheduling the first one to have two tumors removed that could have been cancerous, DH had the audacity to tell me to make sure I scheduled for our off week from the SK's. I was livid. When he said it again for a foot operation, I told him off. He got it a little more the second time. I was naive the first time. I don't mind working around the stepkids, I do not think he understood that you go with the doctor's schedule not you and BM's....Some times these guys are just stupid....They can not see the forest through the trees.

My comment to DH through all of the last two years was that he needed to remember that one of these days, these kids were going to be gone and his relationship with them diminished, but I was the one who would still be here to take care of him in his old age and if he treats me like crap when I need him the most, I will happily do the same to him.

TheBrightSide's picture

For Betty and Crystal: How do you NOT hold on to some level of resentment for these acts? My DH did something similar. And although things are good now, I've never really "forgiven" him for, what I think, was his mistake in what the priorities should have been.

Let me know when you've figured it out.