So sick and tired of all the crap....
So this is my first post..... and I just need to vent.... and supposedly this is the place "where stepparents come to vent"...
So Ive been married for 4 yrs and have 12 yr old step daughter..... so her dad and i have been together for 6 yrs.... her mother isnt in the picture cuz she a f***ing crazy ass drug addict whore.... she has beed making my life miserable since the first day my husband and i got together.... she would come to our apartment and yelled out stupid things... anyways my husband has full custody of the brat... this girl is getting on my last f****ing nerves.... she stresses me out like crazy and im so over it.... we have recently moved and i stay home while i look for a job.... but i hate wen she gets home from school my whole day goes to crap... just hearing her annoying whinny voice makes me want to scream... she is such a big liar and always gets caught in her lies... and now she has started stealing and lying about it....
i was takng out the trash and saw a letter she had writen to her mother saying that we are mean and dnt let her do n e thing and that i m evil.... and that she is goin to bcome anorexic to shw wat bad parents we are..... and that she rather live with her mother.... sometimes i feel like just saying your f***ing mother abandoned you had other kids she rather love and take care of and doesnt gve a flying f*** about you.... she thinks life would be better with that f***ing whore... shell prob end up just like her a druggy whore with who knows how many kids and how many baby daddies.... she dont even knw wer she lives or with who or if she can even support herself....
I hate being a stepmother.... i cant wait for her to turn 18 and she packs her bags and leaves and we never see her again... thatll be the day.... i tell females i know to be careful before they fall in love with a man that has kids especially if the mother is in the picture in and shape or form...