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ferretmom's picture

H let sd come back because she's sooo sorry and blah blah blah. Nothing has changed if anything it's worse. Today I went to the frig and got out a bowl of banana pudding I had made yesterday. Thought I'd have a little snack. I take the top of the container off and GAG... There were several long black hairs on top of the pudding. By the way I'm blonde and H has short brown hair. This has been a major argument with us for years. I'm sick and tired of finding her hair all over everything and I mean everything. Anyway I take the bowl and show him what's in it and he says I don't understand, that she has long hair and it's going to get on some things. Ladies my hair is long enough for me to sit on. I don't know if it's a medical condition or poor hygiene but it's disgusting. I don't know if I should over look something like this or stand my ground. It's driving me crazy!! Every time I vacuum I have to cut her hair over the rollers of my vacuum cleaner. Every day I either sweep, wipe or vacuum enough of her hair to make a wig for a large doll. Now I'm finding it in the food :O I don't know what to do. Also no hairdresser in our town will touch her hair. That's how gross it is. HELP!!!

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

H thinks it's fine to find her hair in your food??? I have long hair myself-and I cook the food-without getting hair in it for crying out loud. Good Grief.

I think the hair thing, tho, is just a symptom of how fed up you are getting with the situation. Who wouldn't be fed up? I know you've all been going to therapy, which is great. But it can only do so much. the people involved have to want it - the change I mean, or it won't happen. It takes active participation, not just showing up for the appointment. And since seeing a therapist is pretty new for your H & skid, it's probably going to be a long row. No one can tell you where to draw the line. If I was in your shoes, I would continue with the therapy, but be making alternative plans for YOUR life if things do not change dramatically.

I'm making alternative plans myself if I don't see positive changes here. I've made it clear to H if things continue as they have for the last 5 months, I, at least, will be seeking help. And if he doesn't care enough to participate, well, as I said, I am making alternative plans.

Best of luck!

ferretmom's picture

I've been going on several interviews lately, one in particular I was wanting. I'd been to four interviews for it, it was finally down to me and one other person. It was managing a cafeteria in one of the local plants. The woman from human resources told me if I hadn't heard from her by 3:00 Mon afternoon to call her. Well I did, she was in a meeting so I left a message. Didn't hear back so I call Thurs. and get hold of her. She tells me she talked to me Tues. afternoon and I said I didn't want the job. WTF Turns out she talked to sd. Well too late she gave job to other person. Got to go H is home.

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

Your SD pretended she was you on the phone to a prospective employer? And turned down the job you wanted? Wow. I'm stunned.

melis070179's picture

Why in the hell would she do that? How old is this girl? I'd kick her a$$ out.

Just because you CAN give birth, doesn't mean you SHOULD

SerendipitySM's picture

Oh my god - that is reprehensible!! I cannot believe this kid would go to such great lengths - well actually I guess I can. I cannot imagine what you must be going through. What did your DH have to say about this? What sort of punishment will be laid down?

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin

Chel Bell's picture

Put some Nair in her shampoo bottle. She cost you a job, she can pay you back with her hair (just kidding) would be nice not to have to clean it up anymore though."~waiting on the world to change~"

stepmum's picture

I know you said you were kidding, but if this were my SD and she cost me a job like that, I WOULDN'T BE.

sarahbernheart's picture

she would be out the door, or working her ass off cleaning the house...

ugh I just am speechless.

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

My Dh is a hair a phobic, and freaks when he see's even one stray hair in the bath tub. So your dh is taking it way too easy. Sounds really mean spirited, but sometimes you have to fight fire with fire... I would take her hairs, and leave them where DH is sure to notice... around the house.. where ever he goes most. Maybe on the computer keyboard, or his fav chair... and then to really make an impression, I would take a hair or two and put it in his food. make sure she is around for dinner. If he says anything, well, oops! you hadn't noticed ! and who can keep her hair out of anything these days?? I know , so evil, but a lesson needs to be taught, esp after she sabotaged your job!!! she should be banned form the phone for that one.

Rags's picture

As for the hair issue. My wife sheds like a Husky. Piles of hair every day. However, it is very rarely found anywhere but in her hair brush or in the shower.

I can recall maybe twice that I have found her hair, or any hair for that matter, in our food at home.

For the job thing, that little girl would be out on her ASS permanently.

Best regards,

smurfy1smile's picture

We are a hairy bunch with 4 cats to boot and I vacuum every 2 or 3 days - more when the baby is here and I don't have to cut the hair out of my vacuum. That is pretty nasty. Most of us have super thick hair too and I know it can be a pain to care for but it has to be done. You could do like some dad's do and shave the kids hair every spring! I know she's a girl but if its as gross as you say it may be the only way to "start fresh". I rarely find hair in our food and I cook and bake alot.