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Short vent - What a Rotten Night

skylarksms's picture

Got home last night and found:

1. The video card on my computer went bad.
2. The furnace quit working -- it was inspected on Tuesday and passed with flying colors
3. The psycho bitch BM decided to take H back to court for more child support.

Of course, what bothers me the most is #3. H was laid off almost ALL of last year and never requested his child support be lowered (against my wishes). He is looking at possible layoffs at his work AGAIN. He also never fought to keep SD with us after BM kicked her out of the house and threatened to beat her up. Also against what I thought he should do! Why? Because he wanted to try to "play nice" with BM so she would leave us alone.

I guess that sounds like I am against my H paying child support. I am NOT. I believe it is his moral obligation to do so, even if BM doesn't follow the CO herself. However, since BM has gotten pregnant and married in the last few months, I was SO convinced that we would be able to coast the last 2 years without having to deal with her anymore.

All night H kept asking me if I was going to leave him. He said it was just that kind of a day (he'd had a rough day at work too). It's hard to get around that question without lying when I AM making plans to leave!

starfish's picture

i'm sorry, sls ~~ that does sound like a crappy night....

but today is a fresh, fix the things you can and be happy about that.

anf if you haven't received the papers deom physco bm, i wouldn't stress to much about it... but i would get dh's last three years tax returns together (including ytd), maybe meet with a cpa and get that bottom line as close to zero as possible (i've just been thru this and dh income has dropped substantially, so i'm waiting for FFC to bring it on), so if the threatening physco does follow thru, you're ready!! also set aside a calendar and document EVERYTHING she has done and EVERY extras your dh has paid for.

dh needs to man, being a cry baby about doesn't help!

good luck... Smile

DaizyDuke's picture

Oh no skylark! What I see is BM seeing her CS gravy train coming to an end soon, baby on the way, so she is looking to get whatever she can now while the gettins good. Shame on her... she sounds like the typical selfish, manipulating, entitled, piece of trash that most of us have to deal with. What I don't understand is how these women can live with themselves???

I hate to hear you say that you are planning to leave your DH and I hate this woman with you. Sad

skylarksms's picture

Well, my planned leaving I cannot blame all on BM.

I would put the percentages at this:

BM: 25%
skids: 0%
DH's alcoholism: 25%
DH's bowing down to BM's every demand while arguing with me about practically everything I want to do: 20%
DH's verbal abuse: 30%

I told him that I could put up with BM and her drama if I didn't have to put up with his immaturity OR vice versa. But having to put up with ALL of it - ummm, no thanks. I thought it would get better but I am done deluding myself after 11 years.

BTW, I am planning on staying with a friend when I do leave. She is engaged to a guy who has 4 kids with another woman. He has one who just started living with them because her mom couldn't deal with her anymore. The fiance pays a LOT for support and the BM doesn't work or even have a car/license. I sure hope my friend wises up and does NOT marry this guy!

skylarksms's picture

OMG-the furnace guy came & said that the heat exchanger is cracked. Fix would be $1600. CO2 levels in the house so high that the city would not let us live there if they knew about it!


I put $700 into getting that damn furnace fixed last SPRING!!!!!! I guess they screwed me over. Sad Sad Sad

It's gonna be a COLD winter...