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A Shark Among Us

WontGetTheBestOfThisSM's picture

Just an FYI to all my fellow SMs... dont ever think that BM is not watching. I used to post under a different screename... until BM broke into my email account and saw information on Steptalk... went to the site, logged in as me, copied and pasted every single post I made and emailed them to my husband( who already knew about the site and the posts) I had to have Dawn delete all my information and posts. I also had to cancel my old email address and start a new one that she will no longer have access to.... so anyway, I guess this was just an update. So, if your ever feeling like BM just cant get any worse like me... she always can! Keep your chins up ladies, they will get their's in the end!

Run 4 the hills's picture

Doesn't surprise me though.

Hope the evil bitch rots in hell!

she needs to GET A LIFE!!!!