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Sd said bm was gonna his e her in the trunk??!!

SummerMomma719's picture

So we picked up sd and were asking how her week has been ect. She mentions that her an her mom an 2 sibling were going to go to kings Richards fair. Which she tells us about each year when the fair is around cause she really enjoys it. However she tells us this time that they are going to hide her in the trunk, yes the trunk of the car! So they wouldn't have to pay for her to get in. Dh has yet been able to get a hold of bm to discuss this but anytime she was confronted about something denied it an blamed the kid for making up stories. How do we handle this

SMof2Girls's picture

How old is the kid? I'm not sure it's wise to confront BM on hearsay from the skids. How do you know it wasn't a joke or something?

BSgoinon's picture

Sometimes we say things to the kids that are completely sarcastic, and they take us seriously. Like "if your finger hurts that bad, we will just cut it off". Or, "If you don't settle down I am going to hang in from the ceiling by your toes".

Doesn't mean we are really going to do it Wink

SummerMomma719's picture

They hid her in the trunk just to get in without having to pay her ticket. She is gonna be eight but. I can assure you she is NOT your typical & yr old she acts like one of the adults. She says it like it is an wouldn't make it up. It sounds like something bm would do