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Sd is alllllll over DH

SummerMomma719's picture

It's pissing me off its our weekend to have sd and right now she is alllllll over DH like over the top and the whole time all she does is stare at me. I wish she just wasn't effin here. I need to just get out of the house or something an NOT around her. Wtf

simply_monica's picture

How often does she actually get to see her dad? Remember she was his daughter before he was your husband and his loyalty will always have to go to his child before you. It's only for a weekend, so just roll with it.

emotionaly beat up's picture

No, if she just rolls with it, it will eventually destroy their marriage.

You need to recognise your husband is allowing her to do this. He is teaching her she comes first, instead of she is part of his life with you

If DH is ignoring you and spending the whole weekend allowing her to consume every moment while they both exclude you,then you need to sort this out with him. He needs to remember he has a wife too. He chose to marry you, now he needs to create a new family with you, allowing her to run it is hardly the way to go. Don't blame the child for what he is encouraging her to do. And he is encouraging it.

luchay's picture

^^^ this.

Sorry monica person. Just because the child was there first does not mean she "gets dibs" on daddy and SM just has to step back and know her place.

SM's place is at Daddy's side, as his WIFE and partner,

those two are at the top, and UNDER them come the kids, step or bio.

Daddy needs to teach his daughter that he loves her as his child, and he loves SM as his wife.

And he needs to make it clear to SD that the SM is in her life to stay, and she is part of everything. Not saying they shouldn't get alone time, but that in creating a new family with SM he needs to teach his daughter that SM and HE are the powers that be.

FLOWER GIRL's picture

I like what you have to say, and will try that, just staring til she gives, which may be when hell freezes over or until she decides daddy is not her favorite guy anymore. SD11 has daddy wrapped around her finger and is attached at the hip the whole 3-4 days she is at our home. I am getting sick to death about it, yes I try to just work extra hours or spend time with my grown son, or friends but it is just putting more strain on marriage and DH cannot see it, I am the bad guy in all situations. She has no chores, no responsibilities or obligations as a family member, we are all just supposed to cater to her, which I abhor and stopped doing it.

SummerMomma719's picture

It s the Sam hint with my sd and its so frustrating. She can do no wrong. Has no responsibility when she is over. If she does something she isn't suppose to it is what it is. DH never says anything. It pisses me off. Your seven and you sure as hell are not a princess.

christinen's picture

You definitely should not be put second to a child. That is one thing I have been totally up front with my DH about. My belief is that in order for a marriage to last, it has to be put first. SD needs to learn her place and it's up to DH to teach her. She is only part of his life, she is not his whole life. & as far as who was there first, that's just a ridiculous way to look at things. If that's your way of thinking, be prepared for divorce is all I have to say! There's no way in hell I would ever tell my DH oh it's ok honey, you don't have to worry about our marriage, after all, SD was here first. NO NO NO, don't do it!!