Sandra Bullock's Oscar Acceptance Speech
Suprised no one has commented yet? I'll quote my favorite part below. Maybe I just took it way too much to heart I guess it was what I needed at the time....some good inspiration and just a reminder that despite everything we will make a difference in our SKs lives....
I would like to thank what this film is about for me, which are the moms that take care of the babies and the children, no matter where they come from. Those moms and parents never get thanked. I, in particular, failed to thank one. So ... if I can take this moment to thank Helga B. for not letting me ride in cars with boys until I was 18 because she was right. I would've done what she said I was gonna do. For making me practice every day when I got home. Piano, ballet, whatever it is I wanted to be. She said to be an artist, you had to practice every day, and for reminding her daughters that there's no race, no religion, no class system, no color, nothing, no sexual orientation that makes us better than anyone else. We are all deserving of love. So, to that trailblazer, who allowed me to have that. And this. And this. I thank you so much for this opportunity that I share with these extraordinary women and my lover Meryl Streep. Thank you
This is GREAT I LOVE Sandra
This is GREAT
I LOVE Sandra Bullock.... I missed this speech so thank you so much for posting!
I also thought this was a
I also thought this was a great speech!
Yes, this totally made me
Yes, this totally made me cry...
Awe... I was helping BD8
Awe... I was helping BD8 with a school project and missed it!! Thank you for posting! I just LOVE Sandra Bullock! What an amazing woman!
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
Wouldn't that really be the
Wouldn't that really be the kicker on us if Sandra is a secret Step talker! LOL
"I HAD to pick the road less traveled..."
Yeah I choked up. "Those who
Yeah I choked up.
"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves." ~ Abraham Lincoln
My husband and I are fans of
My husband and I are fans of Sandra Bullock too. I missed the speech, I am moved by your quote from it.
I caught the Oscars last
I caught the Oscars last night...and I was floored. I kept thinking of this site, and her situation, and thought, "COOL!"