Anyone have any good revenge stories to share? I need some good innocent revenge tactics to try that will not get me in legal trouble or damage the kids.
Well, lemme tell you MsKris, as I was just posting a blog about hubby getting out of arrears, I saw the title of your question...and THEN it hit me, "OMG, we could so totally screw this bitch!!"
She's expecting her c/s and alimony--it's been delayed due to a new job. DH finally got paid in full and we can pay off the arrears & this month with the $$ he got.
I'm just so tempted to tell my honey to wait & send out the $$ the 24th of November. She'll get it before the end of the month, but AFTER Black Friday. I know that's what she's gonna use the $$ for...have a Christmas bonanza blow-out for ALL her kids, even though the CS is for her youngest child.
Oh trust me, it's truly tempting to do this.
~*~A Good Mommy will let the kids lick the beaters. A GREAT Mommy will turn the mixer off first!~*~
I do little things that show BM that the kids and I are bonding. I take them shopping for things she won't buy them. SS10 wants skinny jeans, so on saturday I'm taking him to the mall. She hates skinny jeans and says they're ugly. WTV, I think SHE is ugly and wears ugly clothes. The kid can wear whatever he wants.
I make sure to go to the kids games too, so she "can't enjoy herself." Oh boo hoo. She should be happy they have someone else in their lives that loves them and supports them.
Your reply reminded me of something. For some reason the subject came up w/ DH and his son...
Son: I'm not allowed to touch the walls at mommy & JR's house.
DH: What?
Son: JR and mommy won't let me touch the walls at his house.
DH: Well, you know what son, you can touch ANY ol' wall you want at our house. I'll even lift you up to touch the ceiling if you want to.
So that was a little revengeful on DH's part--of course, he was wishing his son would go home and say, "Daddy let me touch EVERY single wall AND the ceiling at his house." just to get on their nerves.
Oh, and when it's time to say goodbye, I give my SS a big ol' hug and kiss and tell him I love him...and he tells me RIGHT back to me and to his daddy, which I *KNOW* irks the shit outta momma.
ONE more thing. Whenever we are saying goodbye to the BM, our parting words are: See You Next Time.
This is based on the military's derogatory acronym (See You Next Tuesday) for a female body part...if spelled out it rhymes with Runt. So in our own little way, we're calling her something nasty, which makes US feel better...and she's clueless as to what it means.
So that's something that's legal to say to the BM, or really anyone...gets your point across in a low profile way...and yeah, it does feel good to say it all the time to her.
~*~A Good Mommy will let the kids lick the beaters. A GREAT Mommy will turn the mixer off first!~*~
Mm...i find it odd my comment was erased...very odd , I didn't give anythign vulger. i basically said to take the high road. Be happy ..etc..etc..I said revenge is a dish best served cold...
Has anyone had their stuff erased lately? I just figured it out Stepmom2ched. Yeah, I'm a bit slow this morning. I was reading the acronym as SYNT so was at a loss until I realized the short hand version and got it. Awesome! Truly brilliant!
Thank you!! Oh, trust me, we get a perverse pleasure out of saying our Goodbyes to the Woman. SEE YOU Next Time is just our little dig at the eternally stupid woman!
~*~A Good Mommy will let the kids lick the beaters. A GREAT Mommy will turn the mixer off first!~*~
I'm replying here instead of the blog posting this, because the blog had a lot of boring responses like take the high road, yadda yadda yadda. What I wanted to read her, were good old fashioned "She got hers, woohoo!!" type posts.
And I have one. Although I am a firm believer in that the best revenge is living well and that is my main form, I do have story and it was mostly by accident, but it was awesome.
DH quit his high paying job Jan. 2008 because he was finally convinced he needed to get off the road and get custody of the kids because BM was up to her druggie ways again. In knowing that things were soon to come to a head, we didn't file DH's (then BF) taxes that year, knowing that BM would just get it for back child support (DH was current, just they slapped him with months of extra when it became official with the AG. He hadn't kept any receipts for what he had paid BM up til then, so...).
So that year, around the beginning of April, BM started bouncing checks all over town and even went to jail for some of them. I have to think that she was writing those checks on money she thought she was going to get from DH's tax refund. Oopsie!
My best revenge is having my SD tell me she wants to come home on the phone, and then having her tell me that her mommy is crying again. My SD loves me and I love her. I know she will be back in our care soon because BM can not reach all the magical goals that she wooed the judge with.
My first post!! But I had to chime in on this and end my voyeur ways I am a believer that revenge should be in God's hands, but dang sometimes I just need instant gratification!
My BF soon to be DH has 2 children with the worlds craziest, laziest, moronic BM on the face of the earth. She has another child that is from another man (she got prego while dating my BF and cheating on him.) He has raised her as is own even though she sees her BD (When he is out of jail.) One day i will sit down and blog the whole story...
My SD's 4 and 5 are the loves of my life. I will do anything for them. Now the "kinda SD7" She is a terror. Just like her mom. I love her but really do not like her. She is in this phase where she thinks she is the prettiest girl alive. She is cute but has this FRIZZY hair that is unruly. SD7 hates it because she can't twirl it or flip it as easily when she is gazing at herself in the mirror for HOURS! BM hates it when I straighten her hair. So I bought the new instyler (works GREAT) and I straighten her hair for her every time we send her home.
BM is really lazy and lives on every form of welfare their is and still gets child support. She has worked 6 months of her life and she is 32! The rest has been assistance. Me on the other hand I have had a full time job since I was 16. I have a nice car, nice things, and tend to enjoy the finer things in life. We are complete opposites! She takes no time for the kids and their dinner consists of chicken nuggets and french fries, Breakfast is cereal. So every time they come home I make a home cooked meal for every meal. And in the 3 years they have never had cereal at our house. Sometimes we let them call her during a meal and they just go on and on about how good their food is! She wont let them cook with her so at least one meal while they are with us they each get to help with. (FYI- picky eater will eat anything they helped cook)
I basically do anything she will not let them do that is harmless girl fun. We even do girl nights when DH is out of town.. Paint our nails, makeup, hair, buy a new outfit, eat girlie food and watch chick flicks! She hates it that I am doing for her kids what she is too lazy to do. She complains to DH all the time and says "She is trying to takeover as mom" and I simply say "I didn't realize the role was filled... According to the kids they are accepting application!" HAHA
The kids have told us they want to live with us. We haven't pursued it because we don't think the court will allow it because of their sister. And we do not have the money to throw away on it without better chances. So when they say this in the spirit of being civil we say "we will talk to mommy and see if you can stay a little longer but she will miss you if you are gone too long." They reply "We can always visit her!" Well they go home every time and tell her they want to live with us hehehehe
But the best revenge I got was when SD4 said to me one night as we were doing our nightly bedtime ritual "SM.. I love you! But not mommy. Her is not love me like you do" then SD5 says "Her never brush my hair, her is too lazy... I wish you could be my real mommy" SD4 "Me too! can we come out of your tummy? Pweese SM Pweese" She may never know that... But everytime I look at her I smile and think "I won!"
I WILL be adding the "See You Next Time!" LOVE IT!
Oh yes, there are stories to
Oh yes, there are stories to tell but you must enlighten us a little with yours first. We need details
revenge on who? bm for
revenge on who? bm for spawning brats? dh/bf for guilt parenting? skids for being entitled brats?
i have ideas for many different scenarios, but as stepchicka said, we need details.
Well, lemme tell you MsKris,
Well, lemme tell you MsKris, as I was just posting a blog about hubby getting out of arrears, I saw the title of your question...and THEN it hit me, "OMG, we could so totally screw this bitch!!"
She's expecting her c/s and alimony--it's been delayed due to a new job. DH finally got paid in full and we can pay off the arrears & this month with the $$ he got.
I'm just so tempted to tell my honey to wait & send out the $$ the 24th of November. She'll get it before the end of the month, but AFTER Black Friday. I know that's what she's gonna use the $$ for...have a Christmas bonanza blow-out for ALL her kids, even though the CS is for her youngest child.
Oh trust me, it's truly tempting to do this.
~*~A Good Mommy will let the kids lick the beaters. A GREAT Mommy will turn the mixer off first!~*~
I love it!!! You should do
I love it!!! You should do it, lol.
she'll probaby just use a
she'll probaby just use a credit card to buy what she wants and pay it off when you guys give her the money
"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"
I do little things that show
I do little things that show BM that the kids and I are bonding. I take them shopping for things she won't buy them. SS10 wants skinny jeans, so on saturday I'm taking him to the mall. She hates skinny jeans and says they're ugly. WTV, I think SHE is ugly and wears ugly clothes. The kid can wear whatever he wants.
I make sure to go to the kids games too, so she "can't enjoy herself." Oh boo hoo. She should be happy they have someone else in their lives that loves them and supports them.
The little things add up and drive her nuts:)
Your reply reminded me of
Your reply reminded me of something. For some reason the subject came up w/ DH and his son...
Son: I'm not allowed to touch the walls at mommy & JR's house.
DH: What?
Son: JR and mommy won't let me touch the walls at his house.
DH: Well, you know what son, you can touch ANY ol' wall you want at our house. I'll even lift you up to touch the ceiling if you want to.
So that was a little revengeful on DH's part--of course, he was wishing his son would go home and say, "Daddy let me touch EVERY single wall AND the ceiling at his house." just to get on their nerves.
Oh, and when it's time to say goodbye, I give my SS a big ol' hug and kiss and tell him I love him...and he tells me RIGHT back to me and to his daddy, which I *KNOW* irks the shit outta momma.
ONE more thing. Whenever we are saying goodbye to the BM, our parting words are: See You Next Time.
This is based on the military's derogatory acronym (See You Next Tuesday) for a female body part...if spelled out it rhymes with Runt. So in our own little way, we're calling her something nasty, which makes US feel better...and she's clueless as to what it means.
So that's something that's legal to say to the BM, or really anyone...gets your point across in a low profile way...and yeah, it does feel good to say it all the time to her.
~*~A Good Mommy will let the kids lick the beaters. A GREAT Mommy will turn the mixer off first!~*~
Mm...i find it odd my
Mm...i find it odd my comment was erased...very odd , I didn't give anythign vulger. i basically said to take the high road. Be happy ..etc..etc..I said revenge is a dish best served cold...
Has anyone had their stuff erased lately?
I believe it wasn't erased.
I believe it wasn't erased. There's another blog entry by the same person with the same subject title.
Here's the other one:
Scroll down and you'll see yours, "Revenge is a dish Served Cold."
~*~A Good Mommy will let the kids lick the beaters. A GREAT Mommy will turn the mixer off first!~*~
Yes and it wasn't vulgar or
Yes and it wasn't vulgar or anything either. Weird. I just figured it I just figured it out Stepmom2ched. Yeah, I'm a bit slow this morning. I was reading the acronym as SYNT so was at a loss until I realized the short hand version and got it. Awesome! Truly brilliant!
Thank you!! Oh, trust me,
Thank you!! Oh, trust me, we get a perverse pleasure out of saying our Goodbyes to the Woman. SEE YOU Next Time is just our little dig at the eternally stupid woman!
~*~A Good Mommy will let the kids lick the beaters. A GREAT Mommy will turn the mixer off first!~*~
I'm replying here instead of
I'm replying here instead of the blog posting this, because the blog had a lot of boring responses like take the high road, yadda yadda yadda. What I wanted to read her, were good old fashioned "She got hers, woohoo!!" type posts.
And I have one. Although I am a firm believer in that the best revenge is living well and that is my main form, I do have story and it was mostly by accident, but it was awesome.
DH quit his high paying job Jan. 2008 because he was finally convinced he needed to get off the road and get custody of the kids because BM was up to her druggie ways again. In knowing that things were soon to come to a head, we didn't file DH's (then BF) taxes that year, knowing that BM would just get it for back child support (DH was current, just they slapped him with months of extra when it became official with the AG. He hadn't kept any receipts for what he had paid BM up til then, so...).
So that year, around the beginning of April, BM started bouncing checks all over town and even went to jail for some of them. I have to think that she was writing those checks on money she thought she was going to get from DH's tax refund. Oopsie!
My best revenge is having my
My best revenge is having my SD tell me she wants to come home on the phone, and then having her tell me that her mommy is crying again. My SD loves me and I love her. I know she will be back in our care soon because BM can not reach all the magical goals that she wooed the judge with.
My first post!! But I had to
My first post!! But I had to chime in on this and end my voyeur ways
I am a believer that revenge should be in God's hands, but dang sometimes I just need instant gratification!
My BF soon to be DH has 2 children with the worlds craziest, laziest, moronic BM on the face of the earth. She has another child that is from another man (she got prego while dating my BF and cheating on him.) He has raised her as is own even though she sees her BD (When he is out of jail.) One day i will sit down and blog the whole story...
My SD's 4 and 5 are the loves of my life. I will do anything for them. Now the "kinda SD7" She is a terror. Just like her mom. I love her but really do not like her. She is in this phase where she thinks she is the prettiest girl alive. She is cute but has this FRIZZY hair that is unruly. SD7 hates it because she can't twirl it or flip it as easily when she is gazing at herself in the mirror for HOURS! BM hates it when I straighten her hair. So I bought the new instyler (works GREAT) and I straighten her hair for her every time we send her home.
BM is really lazy and lives on every form of welfare their is and still gets child support. She has worked 6 months of her life and she is 32! The rest has been assistance. Me on the other hand I have had a full time job since I was 16. I have a nice car, nice things, and tend to enjoy the finer things in life. We are complete opposites! She takes no time for the kids and their dinner consists of chicken nuggets and french fries, Breakfast is cereal. So every time they come home I make a home cooked meal for every meal. And in the 3 years they have never had cereal at our house. Sometimes we let them call her during a meal and they just go on and on about how good their food is! She wont let them cook with her so at least one meal while they are with us they each get to help with. (FYI- picky eater will eat anything they helped cook)
I basically do anything she will not let them do that is harmless girl fun. We even do girl nights when DH is out of town.. Paint our nails, makeup, hair, buy a new outfit, eat girlie food and watch chick flicks! She hates it that I am doing for her kids what she is too lazy to do. She complains to DH all the time and says "She is trying to takeover as mom" and I simply say "I didn't realize the role was filled... According to the kids they are accepting application!" HAHA
The kids have told us they want to live with us. We haven't pursued it because we don't think the court will allow it because of their sister. And we do not have the money to throw away on it without better chances. So when they say this in the spirit of being civil we say "we will talk to mommy and see if you can stay a little longer but she will miss you if you are gone too long." They reply "We can always visit her!" Well they go home every time and tell her they want to live with us hehehehe
But the best revenge I got was when SD4 said to me one night as we were doing our nightly bedtime ritual "SM.. I love you! But not mommy. Her is not love me like you do" then SD5 says "Her never brush my hair, her is too lazy... I wish you could be my real mommy" SD4 "Me too! can we come out of your tummy? Pweese SM Pweese" She may never know that... But everytime I look at her I smile and think "I won!"
I WILL be adding the "See You Next Time!" LOVE IT!