Return of the stepkids
Hi y’all. I’ve not been on here in a long time. There were issues with stepkids and they went to stay with bio mom for the past few years. The kids told a big fat lie, BM tried to have DH put in jail, got the kids to lie in court, charges were dropped but a protective ordered was placed before the charges were dropped. So sh has about 2 months left on this protective order and has not seen the kids since it was placed (even though the judge did not want to take custody away). BM hasn’t let him talk on the phone to the kids very much since everything happened, continues to find reasons to go back to court, anything to argue over she does .. then about 2 months ago she calls dh up saying sd has an event and she wants her daddy to go to it. I said I felt like it was a bad idea with the protective order yet dh and the entire family load up and go. “Those are my kids and I’ll see them every chance I get” meanwhile he’s dragging my/our kids along for the ride.
Now he’s lying to me about stupid things pertaining to them. Where he has to pick them up, doesn’t tell me he’s picking them up... then gets mad at me bc I said something about him lying
I just don’t get any of it.. 1) you have other kids to raise but your gonna risk going to jail when you could wait 2 more months
2) why to the wife that has always stood by you
3) why is No one worried about how this will effect or kids when a)daddy goes to jail bc BM or steps say he did something that violates the protective order b) BM gets mad and takes steps away again
I dont have any answers as to
I dont have any answers as to why he is doing this apart from stupidity it seems. Im just sorry that he is putting you through this.
All BM has to do is make a
All BM has to do is make a call and he is in jail. I don't know why he would be making this stupid risk. Take those texts or emails of her asking to have him get the kids back to court to have it dropped early. He has all the proof he needs.
What kind of order of
What kind of order of protection in Virigina did BM manage to get that last "a few years" ?
Protective order
I don’t know what it is other than a protective order. It’s not a restraining order. It was placed before the charges were dropped.