resenting your husband over the kids
My husband and I have 6 children all together. My 4 children accept my husband and love him, respect him and involve him in everything. Here is my issue, his daughter who is daddies girl has told her father she is indifferent towards me, she is pregnant and wants her father to travel 10 hours away to be with her when she has the baby, he told her that we will be there, she told her father no I only want you there. His reply was my wife and I will be there together or I will not be there. She said no cause her mom is going to be there, of course his ex wife. She has said other things that have been hurtful to me as well. My husband told her that she owes me an apology for the way she has been treating me and he would not send her money, or help her out until she at least apologized. He has done the exact opposite, he told me that he is going to start sending her things for the baby and helping her out, I was stunned that he has disregarded my feelings all together. Anyone have any advice as to how I could handle this tackfully. I failed to mention I am pregnant as well and my husband is paying more attention to his daughters needs who is married then his wife and future child. Needless to say I kicked him out and asked for a divorce, am I wrong.
Tread carefully
Hi Ellen,
I think that a child's relationship with a step dad is different to a step daughter's relationship with her SM. I see where you're coming from but I can see why the SD wants her mom around when she's giving birth and her loyalties to her mum are important. If I was having a baby, I'd want my mom around too. I know it hurts, but this is second nature with skids - they will choose the biological parent nearly every time.
Maybe her mom has asked that you not be there as she feels uncomfortable with you around?....
I think you will get more mileage by letting this one go. If your husband wants to see his granchild - let him go. I would bite my lip. However, i'd let him know that if the daughter is indifferent to you, then she will be indifferent to the fact that you choose not to use joint funds to help her out. After all, she has a BM
I would also avoid talking about the new baby or showing any interest if SD is shutting you out. He will get the message that if SD wants to isolate you, you choose not to feign interest in her.
Thank you so much for your feed back.
Yes it really hurts, I have never been treated in this manner. I have fostered step children 10 years ago and still till this day those children now young adults visit me and call me mom. I love kids and I am a good person with a good heart. This however hurts me a great deal. It hurts me enough to let him go and ask him that when he does go not to come back home.I have stood by him through so many things I would expect that he stood his ground as I have many times when my children if they have done things that I felt may have hurt him, they quickly apologized and hugged him. I have raised my children to respect and love, my youngest daughter who is also a daddies girl has told him that she loves him and now calls him Dad to. So I see how my children are towards him and I thought I could have the same with his children. I do with his son and I love him dearly, he is a wonderful boy. He can not understand how his sister can be so mean either and is very upset with his father that he is disregarding my feelings. Again Thank you
It' A Mans World
HI Ellen,
At first I didn't agree with Realist...I thought your husband should just remain "completely" loyal to you UNTIL she mentioned...don't use your funds for this baby and don't allow him to share his joy with you & show you pictures. You ARE being excluded so detaching is probably the best way to go...but you can't do it with resentment. Do it with love for yourself. It will hurt to see photos of a baby you can't hold! Your whole situation is BS..It's the kids controlling daddy again. I think if he wants to make his bed, then he has to lie in it. I thought when the grandkids come along there may finally be a feeling like this child is "our" grandchild, not his kid or my kids...I guess that's still not the case. It's sad.
But, what else you mentioned is that the dynamics between your kids to him and his to you are different. I'm in the same boat. It's so obvious and is just not fair. Why is that? Are we as mothers teaching our kids how to treat their stepdads, differently than how our husbands are teaching their kids to treat us?
Good luck my friend.
its a mans world
Bonus wife.
Wow you hit the nail on the head, I believe that mothers mold there children and teach them values and morals. Fathers, some spend lots of time with their kids an they are the ones who do the teachings.If this is the case with my SD I can see why she is who she is mommy only wanted one thing, Daddies money. She didn't care if he went off to war in Desert Storm and possibly get killed as long as there was money.My only wish is that someday my SD will come to me and aknowledge that I am not that wicked step mom that society has portrayed. If she only gave me half a chance she would see that I truely love her father and all the kids. Even though she treats me the way she does I will be ready if she ever comes through the door I have left open for her.
I read your profile and you said you've only been married 6mo. I agree with the ladies above to a degree. I don't know if I would not want to see the pics of the baby and allow your hubby to share his joy of a grandchild. She probably hasn't had time to get to know you. She is pregnant (hormones are a mess), having a baby is scary and she just wants her mom and dad there which are the two people she has loved and felt comfortable with her whole life. I wouldn't take it so personal and just give her time to get to know you.
Daddy's girls
I am afraid to say that what this may boil down to is the relationship that some men have with their daughters, especially if they are "daddy's girls." Bottom line: The "daddy's girl" will always, always, always be first in her father's heart and when push comes to shove, he'll take her side. No other woman will take that place at the front of the line. Ironically, if the situation were that the stepdaughter's BM has a man in her life, I could probably guarantee you that he would be welcome at the hospital birth event. While you, the "other woman" in her daddy's life, will never be. Of course, I think it's completely unhealthy and it eventually affects the young woman and her relationship with men. She will always be out looking for the same kind of unconditional loving devotion from men that she gets from her dad. And of course, no other man will tolerate that for very long. (Maybe that is something that your DH ought to consider - what are the ramifications of his actions, long term - on his daughter?) As for advice, there isn't much I can give because I'm in a similar situation with my SO's 16 year old daughter. I won't even consider marriage at this point, because it seems easier the way it is right now. As the "girlfriend" I really don't have any rights to say anything, therefore I stay out of it. But as his wife, I would have plenty to say (including finances) and that's when the conflict would really spin up. I don't know that it will get better with time, because I don't see this girl ever coming around my way no matter how much time passes and how "mature" she becomes. First and foremost, she is daddy's girl and that she will always be. Add in to it whatever influence the BM has, and it's a no-win situation. I feel so very sorry for you but I do know what it feels like to be "second best" in these types of situations. To cope, I go out on my own during these times of exclusion and enjoy the time pampering myself. Spending time putting myself first and doing what I enjoy seems to help boost my feelings of self-worth. Maybe you could do the same ... go to a spa, take a mini-trip to visit old friends, etc. And don't worry about the money - you are worth it!
One more thing to consider ...
... you may want to ask your DH this question: Statistically speaking, someday your daughter may become a stepmom herself. What would be your advice to her if she said, "Dad, my husband's grown daughter wants to exclude me from anything important and my husband does not support or defend me?" Perhaps he may look at your situation differently if he considers that ALL women are someone's daughters, including YOU! How would he like it if a man someday treated his daughter the way he's now treating you, his wife???
Having babies is like getting married...
Whatever the new mother/bride wants, she gets. I mean, think about it. You're strapped down to a board for sixteen hours, screaming bloody murder while your insides are being ripped out as you pass something the size of a watermelon through a passage the size of a walnut. And then, after it's all over, the epidural finally kicks in. Every birthing experience is a little different, maybe mine isn't the "norm," but I can tell you that I wouldn't have wanted my stepmother there!
(As an aside, I did have my stepfather there... he was my labor coach. He held my hand and told me when the contractions are coming, was very supportive and I couldn't have done it without him. I named my son after him.)
I tend to think that in those situations, births and weddings, the mother/bride gets to be the star of the show and whatever she wants, she's entitled to receive it on that special day. So if she doesn't want you at the hospital, well, then that's her call. I understand how much it hurts to be excluded, believe me, I've been there, too, but there are other ways you can show your support to HIM, even if SHE won't welcome your supporting HER right now. Who knows, maybe later on down the road she will come around and include you more.
He's her dad... if she wants him there, then he should be there. He should go. This is his child delivering his grandchild! You should go, too. Not to the hospital when she's actually delivering, but you can still go with him and maybe do some baby shopping or otherwise entertain yourself while he is with her. Support him in being there for his daughter and new grandchild, because whether she appreciates it or not, he certainly will. I think it's so great that he doesn't want you to be excluded and yes, as his wife, you ARE a part of the family. And on any other day for any other event, I'd say you have the total RIGHT to be there, but births and weddings are a little different, in my opinion.
~ Anne ~
Anne believe me I have suggested everything. I totally understand that she wants her BM there and her father, that is fine with me. I agree taht she should have that. Problem is she does not want me around at all. I told him to go, but at the same token I told him not to come back. I am fed up with the immaturity of this girl and dad not saying or doing anything about it. I have not taken this type of disrespect from anyone and I will not sit around and take it from my husband or his daughter. So his lose.
Thanks for your words of wisdom.
Daddy's Girls
It's very sad, but very true. I know, I'm going through the same thing. Daddy's daughter will ALWAYS ALWAYS come before his new wife, no matter what, no matter much he loves you. Daddy's girl will come before the wedding vows if it comes down to it. I learned this the hard way. My marriage of 2 1/2 years split up recently when DH's two daughters, 18 and 15, decided to start coming around after a three year absence. They were angry about the divorce, hated me for the simple fact that I existed, and despite living two miles away, never called or visited. DH and I kept the door open for them, but they had no interest. In the last six months, they started fighting with biomom, and that's when they started coming around again. DH was so happy to have them back, nothing else mattered. Not the fact that they constantly asked for money for a car, modeling classes, gowns for formals, shopping, whatever. Not the fact that they refused to even acknowledge me when I said hello, or the fact that I could never be in the same room when they were visiting with DH. And he condoned this! I understand that he was happy to have his girls back, but there's NO excuse for the disrespect I put up with on a constant basis for the last six months of my marriage. I ended up basically being ignored by my own husband. He sent them flowers and bought them expensive jewelry for their birthdays, I got a card. He'd go out of way for them, but couldn't come and pick me up at work when my car died. There's NOTHING he won't do for them, and it became evident that despite the fact that I was his wife, i'd never even come CLOSE to having a place in his heart like they do. THE KIDS WERE THERE FIRST- THE KIDS WILL ALWAYS BE FIRST!!! I've talked to SO many women who have learned this too late. If I'd known, I never would've remarried and put my own two boys through another divorce and another move. Is it easier on my own. HELL YES! My advice: be very, very careful about dating a man who puts his children on a pedestal. You will always hold a far lesser place in his heart. I'm not saying this about all men with kids, but keep your eyes open. (By the way, these are the princesses who told DH they wished I was dead, they'd like to behead me, they'd throw a huge party for my funeral, and my boys are "freaks". Yeah.
Good Luck'
I don't even LIKE my SM
I don't even LIKE my SM that much, but I accept her as my dad's wife. I would never say, "Dad, I want you there but leave the wife at home." Granted, I've had a lot longer to get used to the idea (18 years as opposed to 6 months) so maybe given a little time, your SD will grow to accept you as part of the family.
I agree with Anne (as usual, she always has great advice). Go with him to support him being there for his daughter and grandchild, but maybe stay clear of the hospital when she's delivering. BM and SD just need to get used to the fact that you're your husband's wife and you're here to stay!
Let me just say how glad I am that I never felt like I had to ask my dad to exclude my SM to spare my mother's feelings. If she ever felt at all insecure about my SM, she NEVER showed it. She always said that she was happy that our dad found a new mate. I'm just so glad that everyone just accepted everyone else, because from what I can tell, this is RARE!
My 2 cents
Ellen - I agree with Anne, let DH go, and find something else to do while the birth is going on..(DH should not be telling his daughter that if you aren't included he is not going either, that is an ultimatum and just not right when you are talking about the birth of a baby) I think your DH should talk to SD and let her know that you aren't asking to be in the delivery room with her.. but you would like to visit her and the new baby with DH after the baby is born. It could even be the following day. If SD is ok with this, make the visit short. You could even arrange it so BM is out to lunch when you stop in...
I was reading someones post..
And although I understand the position that relationships with Steps are different at the same time... WHY is it ok for the STEPS whether it be mom, dad kids whatever why is it ok to exclude them from things such as child birth of a grandchild. I have got to tell you that its very upsetting. Its not ok to exclude you Ellen you are his wife and a very important part of his life, her life and the child and the mother of the child need to get over there feelings of anger and jealousy and whatever else.
I look at things differently I guess. I look at this way. You and her father are married you made a commitment to him and his children in a sense so excluding you only makes you feel "excluded". We are all on here complaining about things when in all acutality all I want is to be a part of it. I am not around for convenience I am here for the duration of it all. SO I want to be included in all that I can. How can his daughter want money from "your" bank account and then not want you..
Its not right.. although your husband is going to buy things to help you make sure that he keeps it that you will be there too. That is the right thing.. Not you stay home while he goes..
I have a daughter and my ex has a GF and if they are still together when my daughter has a child in 20 years or so I want her there. I want to make her feel like she is a part of it. She is essence is helping raise my kids when they are at there fathers so why should I have the right to exclude her. I don't and I would be upset if my daughter tried.. When you don't have feelings for the ex at all you can look at things more rationally and that is how I am thinking this way. I have NO feelings what so ever for my ex, he is the father of my children and that is it.
So in saying that all the ex's who have problems with SM/SD whatever its all about feelings they still may have. Which causes this..
Just my HUGE opinion..
Happy that is the way I see things too. I don't geel it is alright, I think it is ignorant and down right cruel. Like I said I told my husband to go, if he can not stand up for the woman he married then he has no business being married to a woman with feelings.
Thanks happy.
To late it has poisoned our marriage I told him to get out, I want a divorce. I feel he should be with his daughter as she should come first. I made the decision for him and I told him I wanted a divorce to get out. I am a self sufficient woman and do not need to take this from anyone. I don't want to deal with me resenting him and him resenting me. I have been married before for 25 years and I never tolerated disrespect not from my ex husband and not from my own children.
What did he say? You are proving that you are very strong..
Are you OK?
Yes I am okay, thank you for your concern. My husband initially left when I asked him to leave, not without a discussion first but I insisted I didn't want a husband who could not stand up for his pregnant wife. His daughter is getting married and going to have her own life which not not include dad, Dad is only good when she needs a hand out, he asked if he could talk to me and we did just that, I asked him not to come back unless it was to get his things. To make a long story short he made a decision that his future child and his new wife were worth fighting for. Step daughter would not be happy if she knew the cost of invitro and that money was not given to her instead.
Sorry its been awhile.. OMG i have been working.. This site is way addicting for me.
Well I am glad that he is taking a stance for the sake of your child and marriage. That is awesome. I hope you are well. Take care of that baby..
Anything new since the 14th?
Are you going with him when the baby is to arrive?
I had almost the same situation happen with SD
I was invited to the birth of the baby. Apparently SD liked the way the wind was blowing that day so I was not barred from the birth of my grand-skid. I did NOT want to be there. I was with my husband's X, and her boyfriend who likes to threaten me. I was so uncomfortable but I felt obligated to put on a happy face. It couldn't have been more awkward. I have actually discovered that I do not want to attend any more births. STRESSFUL.
Now, after the fact SD made up a rule that I am to be excluded from baby's life, THEN she comes to our house for X-mass and has the baby playing less than half a foot from me for like six hours, and I'm still not to interact with baby. If she doesn't want me around baby, she should keep baby out of my space bubble.
I finally decided that this was completely moronic and I just was not going to spend more than three hours at a time in such a ridiculous situation. The three hours is to support my husband, the time limit is to support my dignity. I don't mind if HB visits with them w/out me. I do not feel threatened, I just don't want to deal with it in my own house.
I'm sorry to hear that this issue culminated in divorce for you. I really enjoy my marriage so it was worth fighting for in my case.
I have learned to have a slightly thicker skin after being a SM for a couple of years. I am actually secretly hoping that I won't be invited to the wedding of SD, cuz I suspect it would just be another really really awkward situation. If I want to, I can make a point of being supportive of my husband going and even send a present along so that I can look unselfish and maybe score a few brownie points with the in-laws while I go get my nails done or something fun. OK, so the brownie points is probably a pipe dream with my in-laws, but hey, a girl can always hope for miracles.
OK, that bunny trail was not intended to make light of your situation, but more to make light of my situation and some of the general nonsense that comes with being a Step-anything.
It is not an easy path being a SM, and it's not for everybody. I'm still trying to decide if I have the endurance for all the crap that comes my way.
Best of luck in whatever you decide or have decided.
// Susanna
I personally think you are dealing with an irrational pregnant SD that has the right to have her day. What you are proving is not that you are a strong women but that your also able to stomp your feet and throw a fit. It's his grandchild be supportive of him even if she doesn't want you there, this will pass and you'll be the understanding adult that is needed at this time. But if you can divorce him over something like this just like that then maybe you really don't love him after all and a divorce is the best way to go.
No I do not throw tantrums and stomp my feet. I will not be a piece of lint, I will not be put on ones shoulder when I am wanted and flicked off when I am not. Yes I love my husband dearly but love does not mean you have to deal with disrespect and ignorance. Love is understanding, caring, and respect. If you allow someone to disrespect you than it does not saymuch aboutyour character
No Kidding!
Your his wife and should come first. If she actually treats you that way, I wouldn't allow her to come over and frankly your husband should support you in that. IMO Time to get as far as possible from here (Alaska) and work on your marriage. Obviously she's a immature, disturbed individual. She needs to hit the road.
POOr hubby, your both pregnant
I don't think this is a good reason for divorce. Your just as emotional as the SD. I still think you just haven't been in the picture long enough and your pregnant too, which really must make the SD feel weird about things. I understand you feel hurt but you need your hubby right now and this isn't a reason to push him away. Give the SD time she'll come around and he'll appreciate you for not stomping your feet and holding your nose just to prove you too can throw a fit.
Just wondering how will SD
Just wondering how will SD feel if you were to ask her the same thing...not be present when her half sibling is being born. Sounds pretty immature and selfish to me.
You need to think about yourself and your unborn child. I'd send hubby on his way and go have a day at the spa. Do something just for you
Good Luck!!!!
sorry that is for Ellen
The above comment was for Ellen
Dear Janice
Step daughter has no clue I am pregnant. I didn't want to tell her at the moment. I also would never say no to having any of my children present while there sibling is being born. I went through hell and high water to be able to have a child. I went through invitro because we wanted a child. All my children are excited but I had to exclude SD because I knew she wants nothing to do with me cause get this her excuse I AM CANADIAN!
My husband went and talked to his daughter as she is getting married and has a baby on the way, he asked her why he should except her new husband when she treats his wife like sh_ _. I asked him not to tell her that I am pregnant because it would only add fuel to the fire. She asked her dad for money and completely ignored his question.He did not give her the money she was requesting. He told her when she grow up to give us a call. He came home and apologized for not being the husband he intended to be and he will stand beside me. He has told me he will not let anyone hurt me as I am a soft hearted and caring woman. It really hurts that the only reason my SD will not except me is because I am canadian. By the way my children are 3 girls 27, 25, 22, my son 14. My SD is 24 and my sweet little man SS is 20. I never aknowledge my step son as that he is my son. He is our son and a brother. I only wish my 24 year old could see this.
Maybe someday
Thanks to everyone who has concern for me. I pray my pregnancy goes well. As for a temper tantrum to anonymous, no I do not throw tantrums, I just do not take disrespect from anyone not my children and definetly not from my husband. I do not play games, I have no space for rent in my head. I say what I mean. I teach martial arts , I am an emergency responder and security I am very self disciplined and I do not throw tantrums. I think through what I do and the consenquences and I did what I felt I needed to do. But thank you again for your concern.
Are you kidding me?!
She doesn't like you because you're CANADIAN?! Like what, Canadian's eat their young or something? Sounds like a crock to me. It's gotta be something else, like maybe not being able to milk dad for money anymore. She's an adult. She can get over it or not, but I wouldn't sweat it. Enjoy being pregnant and if she can't welcome you, then screw her.
~ Anne ~
Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: Pull down your pants and slide on the ice! -M*A*S*H (Sidney Freedman to the OR staff on dealing with stress)
eating your young
Anne, I don't know if Canadian's eat there young, personally It sounds a little gross to me. lol That was her excuse to her father, I am Canadian. He is from southern United States, he is retired from the Army and now works at a well paying job. Mommy took Daddy for half his military pension for the rest of her life and alimony. Alimony is up and there ain't going to be no dues so Daddy is the bank. Seems to me he always was the bank to both of them until this wicked step mother came along who snatched the bank account away, right from under there noses. Oppp's! Yes they were taking advantage of his generosity and I put my foot down, enough was enough so that is another reason I am not so well received and Mommy wants Daddy back. Now if they knew that Daddy asked step mom to have his baby and she said yes and we had to go to a clinic and pay out tons of money to get pregnant all hell would break lose. So I do believe some of it has to do with money. Funny how life works cause I make more money than my husband in fact with teaching privately and working I make double his income. So I am not worried about money its that I don't think he should have to buy them cars and pay for there rent and everything else.
I am Canadian
I'm Canadian and I can assure you I have never eaten any of my children or anyone elses for that matter. Give her time six months is such a short time. You may see her attitude change after alittle while longer. She may just need to get to know you or find something you have in common.
I have been with her father now for over 2 years and she has not come to grips with me being with dad. No I won't eat my young but she can certainly make life unbearable some days. I realize my hormones are all over the place at my age and being pregnant but I still can see clearly that I am being treated with disrespect and it is very underserving
Just thought those who were keeping tabs, things are not well, she had a miscarriage.
She is a nice woman, she would do anything for anyone, she wanted this child and is a very loving mom. This is ripping her apart, and SD don't help the situation any.
Thanks to all those who care.