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Parental alienation syndrome

Priestess's picture

My husband has a current court order requiring his ex to uphold the parenting plan. He hasn't seen his daughter in 8 months due to parental alienation. He drives to get her every other day and they hide our aren't home. The judge ruled in his favor but she refuses to support the agreed upon plan. She is now stating the 14 year old is afraid. There is no abuse and this is so so wrong. It is impacting my marriage as my husband is so stressed. I am supportive and have had a wonderful relationship with my SD. My husband can't sleep doesnt understand what is happening and is lost without his daughter. Any advice????

StickAFork's picture

Back to court for contempt.
Parents such as BM have lost custody over this nonsense.

Priestess's picture

He has filed several contempt charges. Court date takes 3 months. He filed 1 month into not seeing her, 3 months to hear case, heard in July ruling came back in September and was in his favor. She is in contempt until the 90 day hearing. He has called emailed gone to the house every day of his scheduled visits - child now refuses to go. Mom says what can I do despite the order. New contempt charges filed court date in December. This is awful. He is lost and the longer this goes on the harder the unification. Mom is the ultimate victim. Attempted suicide day before our wedding. Tells kids he left them. True story she cheated with her boss and was dumped. He had moved on met me and got married. She is now alone kids are only thing she has. Help!!!!

Priestess's picture

He has filed several contempt charges. Court date takes 3 months. He filed 1 month into not seeing her, 3 months to hear case, heard in July ruling came back in September and was in his favor. She is in contempt until the 90 day hearing. He has called emailed gone to the house every day of his scheduled visits - child now refuses to go. Mom says what can I do despite the order. New contempt charges filed court date in December. This is awful. He is lost and the longer this goes on the harder the unification. Mom is the ultimate victim. Attempted suicide day before our wedding. Tells kids he left them. True story she cheated with her boss and was dumped. He had moved on met me and got married. She is now alone kids are only thing she has. Help!!!!

Priestess's picture

My issue now is I don't want her back. I am so mad that she could treat her dad like this. He is an ATM for them and that's what the mom has taught them. Puts us down for everything we have and anything we do. We both work ft and have good high paying jobs. She works pt and lives in section 8 housing. The more we do have e more she makes herslf a victim. I teach CCD so she puts me down. We volunteer in the community and are good citizens. I think she is afraid the kids will see her for what she is someone who uses others and the system. God forbid the kids want to emulate what we have taught them. I know you aren't supposed to hate but I do hate her.

Priestess's picture

Did have. She has been gone for 8 months. I am hurt about what has happened and how she has left our life. It's really upsetting. I love her but parental alienation is awful. Do your research it tears families apart. That's what has happened to us. Sorry for the confusion.

StickAFork's picture

I've done lots of research on it, actually. Look into what happened with the fella who "defined" it. Interesting stuff.

What happens with the contempt filings?

Priestess's picture

Hate was for the BM who is tearing our family apart and creating major challenges in my marriage. Again sorry for any confusion.

Priestess's picture

Hearing date takes 3 months. First contempt charge was held in abeyance until 90 day hearing. Ruling was in September husband drove to house ex called the police. She said to tell child to go. Husband never got out of car and kept video running. We has made false statements in past. All unfounded. New date in December. Husband went back again to expedite We hope they grant it this week. Truly killing my marriage. The stress is awful. He goes every day to get her they aren't there or mom says she won't go. Court has child in counseling - mom only brought her once. Mom loves the division and encourages it. I pray the court fines her or something....

Pilgrim Soul's picture

Call Richard Warshak in Texas, the author of Divorce Poison and an expert on PAS.