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O/T but Bachelor (single dad) made me cringe last night

ocs's picture

Kind of off topic, but I'm strangely addicted to this trash TV show. It's like a car wreck I can't turn away from.

For those unfamiliar, the Bachelor is a single dad and 'his daughter is his whole life'. Last night he had one of the potential 'fiance's' meet his daughter and her BM! I was riveted, LOL.

The contestant was actually astute and asked what her place was in that dynamic. I wanted to scream and yell, "RUN AWAY!!!". The guy completely sidestepped her question, brushed it off with "BM wants what is best for me" and kissed her to shut her up.

Trust me, I know the show is beyond stupid, but it did make me think of how many men out there give their 'preshus pwincess snowflakes' and their BM's too much power.

BM and SD in my life had zero knowledge of wedding/engagement plans until it was done, but I'm biased bc BM is batshit. I would LOVE to know how undysfunctional it would be if she was normal.

QueenBeau's picture

I haven't watched but I have heard about that show & it makes me want to throw up.

A crazy baby daddy who is obsessed with his kid and baby momma is not a bachelor.

HE should be competing to find ANYONE to deal with that crap. Not the other way around.

How old is the kid?

Disneyfan's picture

I have a hard time feeling sorry for any woman dumb enough to let a man shut her up with a kiss.

Kudos for the guy for being honest and up front with his opinion about his daughter. If the women are so desperate for a man that they ignore that important piece of information, then they deserve what they get.

Shaman29's picture

I sincerely hope this woman played good girl for the camera and is currently sneaking out of her room and hitching a ride back home.'s picture

I do NOT watch this show, however, it came on last week while I was cooking dinner, I only saw a few min of it but the part I saw made me almost create a blog on here about it!!! He said to the girl he went on a date with that he does NOT kiss, hug, hold hands NOTHING in front of his daughter EVER. She must've tried to kiss him at the beach and he said it was the biggest turn off and he does NOT want his precious seeing him like that with any girl..


What a nightmare, I was screaming RUN!!! Then I changed that BS

ocs's picture

I'm not sure, but the kid looks about 4yrs old.

The guy is a complete tool- goingcrazy- the part you saw was the aftermath. He and the girl had sex in the ocean, and he was upset bc his daughter may see it... Yeah, 'cause THAT is your biggest problem...

Shaman29's picture

Oh my cow...........can we write letters to these girls. Tell this douche-canoe to blow it out his ass!

sbm014's picture

I don't watch but saw a picture somewhere he posted of him and BM having coffee and refuting tabloid claims. It made me sick.

It is one thing to refute claims but a coffee date and photo op made me want to puke.

Delphi's picture

:jawdrop: I don't watch the show - but from reading what you said about it the evidence is clear - the dude is a freak and all women should run away - and run away fast!!! The poor daughter too...growing up with a nutcase father like that...boy is she gonna have issues.... :O

ocs's picture

Well, clearly if you go on national TV and allow a man to parade you around, then line up for him weekly, so he can choose who to keep- you are looking for TRUE love... :jawdrop:

I agree. poor kid...