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Opinions please...............

Steppy MN2's picture

My DH and I were arguing the other day about skid stuff. I am always telling him that his kids ALWAYS come first, then his ex-wife cuz he's always busy trying to avoid any confrontation etc with her and then I come in last.
During the argument he makes some comment about how "he has always wanted to be a Dad and he doesn't know how to be anything else". I really wondered what he meant by that so to make sure I understood I asked him to write it down for me. The following is what he wrote. Is he really just a loving Father and I don't understand or are his kids his whole life and I pretty much don't have much of a chance of him ever making me and our marriage a priority.
This is exactly what he wrote:
"You asked how I see myself. I see myself as a Dad. What does that mean? I'm not sure. It's how I've always thought of least after my first child was born and it's what I aspired to before they were born. I guess it's a state of being or it means providing unconditional love for a child and being there for them whenever they need it, whether they know it or not. It's something that gives it's own reward and joy sometimes expressed by the child, sometimes just felt in your heart. It's the smile on your face when you smell a wet child's hair as they sit in your lap and read a book. I know my kids are older than the three years old they were at that time but that is still the feeling and memory that I recall as I'm helping them now or they are helping me. Whether it is being there physically to support them or just saying a silent prayer for them or them just being with me. It's the delight in their accomplishments and comforting them in their disappointments."

Steppy MN2's picture

Thanks, what a great way to put it! I only wish I could get him to understand that being a Dad should only be one part of his life but he wants it to be ALL of his life. I'll never be able to compete with that.

Steppy MN2's picture

I am convinced the only reason he married me was so he had someone there when his kids were with their BM.
I love being a MOM but it's always been just one part of me. Used to think that was being selfish but after reading what you just wrote I realize it's healthy. I hope you have found how to be all those other things to yourself and others.

SMof2Girls's picture

Sounds unhealthy, but probably not as uncommon as some would like to think it is.

I would get over feeling "ranked" first, second, third, etc.

Depending on the issue at hand, you will not always come first. "Needs" of children should come first. "Wants" of the spouse should come first. Step dynamics are too complicated to have this hard line in the sand.

That being said, your DH has some soul searching to do to come to terms with the various roles required of him in a normal, healthy life.

Cocoa's picture

wow, so your dh makes you feel like you are simply there to fill the void when his kids aren't there. that man doesn't deserve you. he can be the phenomenal father he wants to be single. you were looking for a husband when you married him. didn't his wedding vows mean ANYTHING to him? you are getting a raw deal and it sounds like he's broken his vows to me. if it makes you feel any better, there are a lot of single fathers out there just looking for a maid/sugar momma/delivery driver/sperm receptacle. they have to be screened very careful (if not avoided all together) to see if they are looking for the above or a true life's partner. they are very suave, make you fall head over heels for them and then lower the boom after you marry them. let this man know that you don't have to live in the shadows of his kids in your own marriage. do not ever be afraid of losing a man.