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Omggggg already!?

Tessa1221's picture

Already time for SD to come back tomorrow ugh days come tooooooooooo fast

TASHA1983's picture

Not to rub it in but my BF hasnt had skid for his EOWE visit since July 20th...either BF has had to cancel or bm/skid cancel....I for one am LOVIN' IT!!! }:)

Not having skid/bm in the picture seriously is thee best and greatest thing EVER....they are nothing but negative, miserable, pieces of shit that should have been swallowed!!!

Just sayin... Smile

Not_Having_Fun's picture

I hear you loud & clear tessa1221. We get SD back today (after school). Skid free weeks just go too fast. I will spend the whole of today dreading it & knowing she is coming. Shall be a miserable day :-(.

Frustr8d1's picture

I haven't been skid free for 3 yrs until this past summer. And daaaammmnn did we pay dearly for that short break when SD9 returned Sad