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Oh hell no - GTFO!!!

Betrayd's picture

OMG just found out lazy, slobby, manipulative SS18 is failing school and may not graduate. Why should I give a crap? Because he was going back to SM AFTER GRADUATION!!! There is almost no way he can graduate at this point with his grades. Good ole DH claimed stoopid that he didn't know how to check the records online so I guess he just didn't freaking do it until I showed him how to access the report cards feature. Now it's almost too late to fix it.

I've slapped myself a few times, but apparently it isn't a bad dream. I'm holding my ground. He goes home regardless and can figure it out there! Am I wrong???

ChiefGrownup's picture

You are not wrong. He goes home to BM figures out some kind of GED plan there or enrolls in a new high school to repeat whatever grades he needs from there.

Do not let your husband's parenting failure be thrown on your back. You did nothing to deserve this. It was on him and on the kid and they both failed. YOU don't have to pay the price!

The Tyrant's picture

I agree, she doesn't have to do it. But would be doing it get that ass the hell out of my house. Much like Elaine on the Sinfeld episode where they guy came to visit her and she was ready for him to leave, the next morning they work up late and he didn't really care if he missed the flight but she was working like hell to get him packed, dressed, and some-what cleaned up to get him to that plane. LOL! I would be moving like that!!

Betrayd's picture

***** Oh wow it just hit me this am. If he doesn't grauduate, in theory he could go home, enroll for another year and BM COULD GET MORE CHILD SUPPORT??? ****

Is that true???

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Check the divorce decree. It's possible DH might have to pay CS until the skid graduates or turns 19.

LindaKjl's picture

Here's something to add insult to injury. My SS also was flunking out of high school his senior year. Guess what......the CS CONTINUES past age 18 as long as they are working on getting their high school diploma!!!!! If a child still is technically still working on high school diploma (and the laws state that legally they can up until the age of 21), then CS MUST continue until they no longer are "schooling".

hereiam's picture

Yep. My SD was 2 years behind so DH would have been paying CS until she was 20. But she got married at 18 (and dropped out of school), which emancipated her.

No saint's picture

Where I live CS continues as long as your "kid" is in school/university (no matter how old), as well as the obligation to pay for all the extra expenses, tuition fees and so on.

Betrayd's picture

Ha! Well I just found out if SS18 flunked and was with BM, we pay CS. But guess what??? If SS18 flunks and stays here we don't get a freaking dime because they consider it that he left mom and emancipated himself! WTF!?!? I hate this f'ing system! Men get screwed. And so do their new wives (aka maids, chauffeurs, stupid bitches)...,

LindaKjl's picture

I didn't know this kind of stuff until I got into the system and experienced it first hand with my new husband. My son from my previous marriage was a straight A student and I never had any trouble with him. My husband's son's are both screw ups (one dropped out of high school and the other was at a flunk out status due to his grades). The joke was, his biological mom KNEW this hidden gem of a law that if the kid does not have the grades to graduate that the state says they have the right to remain in public school until they get the grades to graduate (until the age of 21).....thus, causing the parent who has to pay child support to continue on paying. Bio mom knew this and actually encourages step son to slack so she could keep getting money longer.