Is this normal behaviour?
I have an SD12, to be fair she is pretty good most of the time, likes to play 'mini-wife' occasionally, and an OH who dotes on her and seems to focus solely on her when she is here, which is not very often, so I should count my lucky stars..... but anyway to the point of this post.
I noticed early on that SD12 seems to still like watching animated movies, when we go to the cinema to watch a film with her it is usually of the animated kind, which in itself would not make me wonder, as we adults also like to watch them too, but she also likes to watch Barbie movies. Now I stopped playing with my barbie dolls when I was 8 or so, they never had Barbie movies when I was a kid, but I am pretty sure I would have stopped watching them. I don't know if she plays with dolls at her house but she never brings anything with her except her tablet to play games on.
In addition, the two times she has stayed over, she brings a material made doll to sleep with, and likes to suck her thumb in the evening and in the morning.
I'm trying hard not to judge, but I have never been around pre-teen children before, and only have my own and my sister's experience to bring to the table. So is this normal behaviour? She seems like a smart kid, likes to dance etc... but she will be 13 in a few months, and I think BM babys her a bit too much and OH just does what makes SD12 happy. Any thoughts would be welcome.
Three of my nieces sucked
Three of my nieces sucked their thumbs until around 12 and also had their snugglies. If it's only at bedtime I'd leave it alone. Drawing attention to it will only make you a bad guy. If you do anything mention it to DH and let him deal with it. I have seen adults have some sort of snuggly item to sleep with. It's rare but not uncommon. Reminds me of something Doctor Brazelworth (?) said, encourage lovies at bedtime and let the child decide when they're done with it, if you decide they'll cling to it harder. My daughter had an old night f mine for years and I finally made it into a pillowcase with her help and she still loves that old ratty thing and she's nearly 20.
Correction, Doctor Brazelton,
Correction, Doctor Brazelton, child psychologist.
Umm count me in on the
Umm count me in on the iCarly...but I've got the hots for Spencer. If I could handle having an hot, irresponsible, crazy, artistic boyfriend - he'd be the one for me. But alas, only the virtual me could handle that. Otherwise, I like my men old and reliable. hahah
My older step-sister still sucks her thumb - only when she sleeps. She even had prongs put on her braces to keep her from doing it and she bent them back and did it anyway. Her bottom team never did straighten out properly. She's a responsible adult with three kids and a job, so I assume it's not the worst thing that can happen.
I still watch animated movies (not barbies, but it was never my thing) and I got incredibly excited when EPIC came out this weekend.
My 19yo has a stuffed dog
My 19yo has a stuffed dog that she still takes with her when she goes somewhere.
She does sound somewhat
She does sound somewhat immature, but I wouldn't worry about it. Try to find a way to get her out of the thumb sucking habit though, as that may mean paying for braces down the road.
It could be worse- at 12, she could be sneaking around with boys and experimenting with drinking or drugs.