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Narcissistic Behavior or me being crazy

JBDmom's picture

I’ve looked into it many times not only for my SD5 but also regarding my SO. They’re both completely self absorbed people but what worries me about SD is her tendency to blame everyone else for things she does, her expectation to be put before everyone and everything, and her need to be validated after everything she says. Expl: any opinion she says out loud she asks am I right? I also know that it’s in no way her fault that she’s like this and that’s what makes it so as and difficult to deal with. It wasn’t until I was told on several occasions that my SDs behavior and self obsession isn’t normal 5 year old behavior that I actually started to look into it. I don’t think my SO is a narcissist BUT I do believe he’s raising SD to believe she is better than everyone, and to not care about anyone but herself. I have of course taken into consideration that she is only 5 years old, but the parenting or really lack of parenting is going to eventually turn this child into a terrible person. I love this little girl to death, and it absolutely kills me to see her growing into someone I don’t like. Below is a list of some symptoms of a narcissistic child, and SD hits every point on it. Again I know she’s only 5, but my cause of concern is that her behavior won’t ever approve if her dads parenting doesn’t change. I don’t see that happening until he actually sees what she’s turned into when she’s an adult or if someone with more knowledge on the subject can break through to him. 

  1. They are bigger and bolder than other kids. Always wanting to be the center or attention.
  2. They’ll put down others to make themselves feel better.
  3. They have trouble empathizing with others.
  4. They only care about their needs being met.
  5. You don’t see much emotional growth after early childhood.
  6. They have trouble accepting responsibility for their own problems, and may blame other for their mistakes.
  7. they are selfish in play and do not want to share with others.

stepmominhiding's picture

Most 5yo atw self centered. It's their parents job top teach them to look at others needs. Most 5yo want to be center of attention.  It's their parents job to teach them other people count too. 

Even though these behaviors are typical of a young child, it's important that their parents teach them empathy and humility. 

Jcksjj's picture

I think most younger kids are self centered because that's where they are at developmentally, but I don't think they all need to be the center of attention. I dont think most do actually, most kids are busy playing and learning so I find it odd when a child is overly concerned with being the center of attention. And some kids are shy and hate being the center of attention (I fell into that category myself).

Merry's picture

Who told you her behavior isn't normal for a 5 year old? It sounds pretty normal to me.

What does her father do to teach her that she is not the most important person in the world? THAT's where the focus needs to be. I agree totally with the need to teach empathy and humility.

DHsfamilyfromhell's picture

Some of the main signs of a narcissist  are gaslighting, manipulation and triangulation. There are different types of narcissism also. I suggest you read around for info. 

I would be more worried if they were constantly reframing events to ie keep themselves out of trouble, and turning relatives etc against you.

who has she picked up the am I right saying from, as I guess what this girl is currently doing is modelling some of her words and behaviour from someone she looks up to possibly..?

People can be mildly on a narc spectrum without having full blown NPD. 

tog redux's picture

So - narcissists are often compared to 6-year-olds, because 6-year-olds act like little narcissists.

JBDmom's picture

@everyone thank you. I know 5 year olds are supposed to act like this but she’s a little on the extreme side of things. She’s great a manipulating her dad into getting whatever she wants. I do believe though that most of it is being a typical kid. What I worry about though is the pattern continuing as she grows up. I have learned though that the blame is all on the way my SO “parents” her along with his family babying her. 

Rags's picture

Bullshit as far as whose fault it is. SD-5 needs the clarity of the facts and the truth... in an age appropriate manner.  When she is wrong, tell her she is wrong.  "Nope, Skid, you are wrong and her is why you are wrong."  Do the same regarding her delusion of being better and more special than anyone else... unless her performance supports that premise.

DH needs this same message when he goes all "my kids are the best" on you or anyone else regarding his spawn.  "Um, nope. They are rude, bossy and a total burden to be around.  If you want them to truly be special then pull your head out of your ass, establish and enforce behavioral and performance standards, and actually parent instead of coddling them."

Lather, rinse, repeat.
