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Is My Hubby Really This Insensitive?!?

mizcece's picture

I am sooooooooooo peeved!I found out last week that my mother is in critical care and very ill. Before I discovered she was ill, I agreed to watch my stepdaughter while he works during the week. I have been running from the hospital everyday running errands for my mother and trying to handle her business while she is incapacitated, checking on my brother is 31 yrs old and autistic (whom my mother was guardian of, now I am), not to mention trying to take care of my household and self. I finally had to tell him, "NO!" I can not babysit her now!" Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh, what is wrong with some men some time? Are they really this dense!!!!!!!!!!!

mizcece's picture

I have to agree with you on that Dispirit, my feelings and concerns do not matter when it comes to his child!

mizcece's picture

can you believe he came back to ask me to watch her again, if he takes off work Monday! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!

mizcece's picture

I already did that and he came back to me to ask again!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it?!?

mizcece's picture

My mother is so ill that is she is on a ventilator and cannot breathe on her own. She cannot talk because the the ventilator is via a trach. She had a stroke (left side of body is paralyzed), a heart attack due to one of her heart valves being infected with a bacteria stemming from her arthritis and pulmonary fibrosis. She is far from mending in fact the doctors do not seem very optimistic.

Delilah's picture

I would seriously ask your DH

"my mother could be dying and allll you are worried about is whether I have the time to babysit for your daughter? Are you f*cking serious? How about YOU help ME out in MY time of need? That is unless you are yet again the top priority!"

Now is not the time to be shy when telling your DH what you expect of him. If he isnt prepared to help himself and you right now, then I would be rounding up my friends and family (including his) making darn sure they knew he was only concerned about you sitting for his DD, when you havent even got the time to scratch your arse! Shame him into compliance if necessary because if you lose your mom and realise you havent spent the time YOU needed with her, then your first port of call of resentment and anger will be your DH and his DD.

ItAlmostWorked's picture

Oh god, OCC, way to solidify the stereotype.

I have no idea why, in this life, men and women have to figure out a way to get along. Seems like this incompatibility with common sense is a serious design flaw in that Y chromosome.


Mizcece-hoping for a miracle for your Mom. Hugs to you!!