My girlfriends kids are lazy and I'm getting no support
we've recently moved in together (myself (male), girlfriend and two girls (12/16). They've had absolutely no rules growing up and haven't had to lift a finger. We had a sit down prior to moving in letting them know I'll give a month to relax and get settled and finish school for summer but then I'm setting rules and chores. I finally sent out chore list and what not and they aren't doing anything and my girlfriend is absolutely unsupportive and taking it personally. I tried explaining that this is also in part to protect our relationship - we work and she goes to school full time as well. and then when we get home, have to clean up their mess - no free time at all. How do I address this?
Talking about people's
Talking about people's children is hard, so I've learned. A lot of people are not open to constructive criticism. You mean well and are actually trying to help improve the teen's lives. It is important for teenage girls to know how to do certain things, such as cleaning up after themselves. I feel like you are stuck inbetween a rock and a hard place, unfortunately. There are some people who can sit back and remove themselves from taking it personal, while some parents never will..and will never see a problem with their kids. Does your girlfriend have an active mother that you could ask for advice on how to set rules in the home? [I say that treading lightly, some mothers can make things even worse]. What's your gf's defense as to why the girls should be able to be lazy/have no rules? Have you tried explaining why you think they should have chores and rules? I think once you provide substance, she should see what you are saying. I mean we could even google right now, why is it important for kids to have expectations etc. It would be hard for any logical person to deny once you have solid reasons why it is a good thing.
Great Point
Well one of my rules from day 1 was "no eating on the couch". tan couch doesnt mix with many things. Well, they spilled an entire can of soda and dropped a hotdog with ketchup on it over a 1 week span of time. not to mention the numerous "almosts". so it's reallty 2 things - they dont do anything, and they dont know how to follow rules.
My girlfriend recognizes it's her problem to fix. we had somewhat of a blowout last night because she isn't recognizing that i'm also affected by this and she pretending to pack one or two things and then (i guess) decided that I was not being unreasonable and stayed.
Today she texted me to make sure I share the chore list for the day, which i did, and noone answered (from her kids). In fact, they just woke up. I would expect her to be responding with some force - absolutely nothing.
I think it's great that you
I think it's great that you had a sit down before you moved in to iron things out. Was your girlfriend supportive at the time when you two discussed rules and expectations for when you moved in?
In my opinion even if your girlfriend worked from home or didn't work why should she be waiting on these girls hand and foot they're not 12 months old. If you make a mess you clean up your mess. That's pre-school 101 stuff. That's not even chores. It's picking up after yourself. You have your work cut out for you :/.
Well thats my thing - I work
Well thats my thing - I work from home, and the last thing I want is to come down for a quick lunch and see dishes and shit everywhere. there goes lunch!
Oh my goodness I would be
Oh my goodness I would be livid. Is this your home that you owned before her or did you guys find a place together? If this is your home I would be giving them a couple of weeks to be getting their act together or your girlfriend and her clan can go. They spilled soda and ketchup on the couch within a week and are 12 and 16?! Did your girlfriend punish them since you asked for food to be eaten at the table?
You can't patent someone else
You can't parent someone else's children, especially if they don't want you to. Why atw YOU the one setting up rules? You should never EVER be the one taking charge over rules for concern that are not yours.
My House
Well, I am setting up rules since it's my house which felt right.
No, have your GF set the
No, have your GF set the rules. You will be resented for it by the kids, who've never been given rules before, and by your GF for parenting her kids. It will come across a lot better to the kids if it comes from her. Clean your hands when it comes to those kids, let your GF do ther parenting. You cam come to her with your issues south them and SHE needs to do something about it. You should never EVER pr yourself in ther position to be their parent.
fantastic feedback. So what
fantastic feedback. So what do i do if my girlfriend doesnt parent them as expected and we go back to square one? take it up with her or just let her know it's time to move out?
Seems like you already know
Seems like you already know the answer. If she isn't going to parent her kids, or refuses to lay down rules for her kids, do you really think she cares enough for you? I'd let jet know that it's just not working out, maybe try being GF/BF without living together. Only have sleep overs when kids aren't with her.
thanks. Yeah, you know what's
thanks. Yeah, you know what's funny is that this comes in waves for me. typically when the relationship is challenges due to their lack of helping. I CAN seperate myself from the equation somewhat easily, which seems a little cold, but then when she comes home and goes "i wanna go but I have to clean, etc" that tries my patience with them. it's really difficult to navigate and it makes me upset.
Also, do you truly think that her laying down / enforcing rules and her appreciation / love for me are actually linked in such a fashion? Couldn't she just be "not good" at that part? hard to express what i mean
No, I don't really think they
No, I don't really think they go hand in hand, but you have to figure out if you can deal with her not following through with the rules and consequences with her kids. You have to step back and figure out if uppity can deal with the messes.
You can't tell her not to clean up after her kids, it's her prerogative. If you want the house clean she's either going top have to do it or make the kids. How she chooses top deal with it is up to her. You can ask her simple things like, "are you sure you don't want sd to clean up their own mess?" But if she opts for cleaning it herself you can't blame sd's for HER actions. It's her own lack of parenting. SDs not cleaning and being lazy is HER always doing everything for them. You can't blame THEM for her not making them do anything. Do you really want to live with someone like this? I wouldn't, I honestly wish I saw past all of DHs lip service (he says he is a tough parent, he says sd is a good child, he said here made sd do this/ that, but he didn't... sd is an aweful, mean, manipulative, lazy, liar). Your sd's honestly sound like a bleeding compared to my 1 sd.
Her younger daughter is
Her younger daughter is actually making some moves and doing what she needs to do now, since this determines if her friend can stay another night or not.
The older daughter acts like she can't be bothered - which is teenager mentality i guess. When i discussed with the BP she says "she just needs to be approached differently" but doesn't actually do anything to help show this new approach.
So, here's the thing - your
So, here's the thing - your GF has gone for 16 years without creating rules and expectations for her kids, what makes you think they will fall in line because her boyfriend tells them to? They won't, that's an unrealistic expectation.
Let your GF know that you can't live in this situation unless she is willing to enforce some basic house rules on her children. But this won't be an easy fix - she doesn't WANT to give them any rules, or enforce yours.
Stop.. just STOP... with
Stop.. just STOP... with setting rules and sending out chore lists. It is NOT your responsibility to raise her children.
Ideally expectations for EVERYONE would have been discussed before moving in. And by that, I mean that you and your GF needed to talk about how things would work with her kids etc. I mean, did you ever go to her home? did you see the state it was kept? If it was messy.. the girls messy.. the girls eating in livingroom etc.. then obviously, you should have been on guard that it might be hard to change the way her girls behaved.
So, right now, your GF is still "doing nothing" with regards to setting expectations. She is letting you be the bad guy sending out chore lists and laying down the law. The girls likely dislike you a whole bunch because they resent you being so "hard" on them and having expectations.
I'm not saying your expectations aren't reasonable.. but for your GF and her daughters it may be a huge change... and I can see chaffing at you being so generous to "give them time to settle in before dropping the hammer".
I think you need to have a sit down with your GF.. and really talk about how blending your households is going to work. Is she willing and able to give her daughters responsibility and boundaries and rules? Will she enforce them? Will she insist her daughters respectfully comply?
TBH.. you have already seen she really doesn't intend to. Likely the only reason she isn't gone is financial.
It's a hard situation.. and a good reason for people to move slowly on cohabitating when kids are part of the equation. If she doesn't see the importance/value of your rules.. expect your GF's kids to behave accordingly.
These kids have lived all of
These kids have lived all of their lives without rules and you come into their lives and you think the transition for them to do chores will be easy? Your GF should have been the one implementing the change and with all that it would be difficult because she's never done it with them to begin with. To break these kids into a new habit is going to be hard and if you have an unsupportive partner you stand no chance in h@ll. She was fine with it at first but is showing resistance. I would consider moving out, continue dating and have nothing to do with parenting these girls. They are already set in their ways with a mother who could care less if they do chores and grow up to be independent functioning women.
How do I address this?
How do I address this?
They move back out, having them move in was a mistake.
I assume that you knew that the daughters were lazy and had no rules. Did you really think you were going to change the status quo without any pushback? If your GF wanted to give them rules and chores, she would have raised them with such. Even if she were to start now, they would know where it's coming from and it's not her.
Classic example of thinking (incorrectly) that "things will change once we"... live together, get married, have a baby, whatever the case may be.
Your GF is who she is, and that is a permissive parent.
GF or her kids are not living by the rules
kids break them and GF does nothing !!! This is the best time in a relationship. You’re is going really bad. GF should move out with her kids. This relationship is not going to work
They've had absolutely no
They've had absolutely no rules growing up and haven't had to lift a finger.
I'll give a month to relax and get settled and finish school
I'm setting rules and chores.
I finally sent out chore list
First mistake was thinking that YOU could fix years of bad parenting. Second was that YOU are the one that told the girls all of the above. I can only imagine how teen girls took that. Actually I can tell you exactly how they took it. They took it as a challenge. Lol
My advice will be different than most on here. One...stop parenting her children or telling them what they have to do. That is not your job.
Tell your SO what you expect. If they make a mess and do not clean it up, just tell your SO the following…”hey honey…kitchen is a mess and I need to make me a sandwich, can you get that taken care of?” “hey babe…there is soda and ketchup all over the couch, can you take care of that? I bought it at Macys incase the stains do not come out and you need to replace it.”
Weather you like it or not, you are living with 2 TEEN GIRLS. They are the worst people in the world. And now you have put your SO on the defensive about her girls so she is trying her best to “shield” them from you. You need to become the friendly Uncle. No more and no less.
Lol good advice, going to be
Lol good advice, going to be the friendly uncle from afar.
So why is she your girlfriend
So why is she your girlfriend?
There is nothing remotely appealing or redeeming about someone who is this much of a waste of skin abject failure as a parent. There is nearly always a critical character flaw in these people.
IMHO of course.
Well alot of this was
Well alot of this was "discovered" recently when they moved in, but agree.
Rags has always been very
Rags has always been very wise.
Just as an update to here
Just as an update to here (and perhaps a little more advice as I navigate these crazy waters). We had a heated discussion (her and her kids) about all rules, responsibility, etc. her kids ended up leaving and letting her know personally that they don’t want to come back. Citing things regarding me not letting them relax over their summer break and that I am too demanding. I guess waking up before 2 is alot to ask?
in discussions with her, now the challenge so it seems is that she "doesn't have anywhere to live". She owns a house but made an agreement that her family would occupy it (I was unaware of this verbal agreement). Do folks on here recommend I give her a concrete move out date? I get she's in a tough spot. I also am having a hard time figuring out how much is legit and how much is guilt trip. Thoughts?
She has a place to live. The
She has a place to live. The family occupying her house is her problem not yours. No, you do not need to support that crap for one second. No, you do not give her a concrete move out date. NOW is not a date though it is completely concrete. Do not let her play you any more than she already has. Her problems are hers to solve. They are not your problems.
Structure for kids is a 24/7 part of life. No different than adults having to provide for themselves, work, deal with life issues, etc, etc, etc..... That her spawn ran away over the summer structure program is them doing you a favor.
Time to call the locksmith, rekey the locks, put her on her path out of your life. No delay, no guilt.
Enjoy your new life.
Sounds reasonable and
Sounds reasonable and something I would do and say,
As usual the problem here is your partner, I've felt the same. even my dad noticed the other day that one of the SK's does nothing unless asked / pestered. I've been waiting for my partner to create some kind of chore list to do, which by the way isn't some prison kind of rules or asking too much but has it happened. No...She would rather get annoyed at me for not emptying the dishwasher than having to fight with one of her daughters.
You are fighting a losing battle unless you do it yourself and then you face the wrath of the SK's and your partner.
My advice. Give up, don't clean up after them, live in a mess unless your partner cleans up and gets so annoyed with them that she has a word and if she turns it on you, direct her to her own children who are very capable. This way requires a lot of biting your tongue and sitting back and saying nothing. Easier said than done though.