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My Firt Time In here, hello All

DAD's picture

I am not sure what i want to say except, the fact that I am here, have actually joined after 6 yrs of marriage and maybe 8 years as a stepfather, I am feeling lost, misplaced, a failure, broken and I would say exhausted. Before anyone says, well, dont leave or you CAN leave, I have no intentions of this, I made a promise in 2004 that I would stay even if the marriage to their mother didn't work, we both promised we would stay till the youngest was 18, so thats not an option, nor do i feel i want to, I do fantasize about running but i always look at my wife and say, what would I do then, i would just run back to her because i love her.

well thats all for now


Frustrated New Wife's picture

Welcome!! I'm sorry you are having these feelings. I believe most step-parents expereince all of those feelings. I'm sure you will find a lot of understanding women & men and you will get some great advice as well.

giveitago's picture

Yep, @Dad, leaving is not the best thing to do when you give your vows to be there for better or worse...

DH and I have been to hell and back with entitled, self absorbed kids. We love them though, and focusing on the positives can be really difficult in the midst of it all but we come out of each situation with some positives imparted onto the little cherubs. Gotta love 'em!!

I believe that having arranged to divorce as soon as the kids come of age is cheating EVERYONE in the family, kids pick up on that stuff and they WILL use it against you, they could also feel that insecurity, act out and cause even more problems! You two met, fell in love, married...

I knew DH had kids when we met, I knew they wanted to come live with us right off the bat. We have had custody of them for six years now and it's one hell of a roller coaster ride as a step parent but my love for them has not changed. I am optimistic that, like with most kids, they will come to realize more as they get older and the bonds will be even stronger than they are now betweek SKids and I.

I really do not think I could give up on someone I love, I love DH and the SKids here and we are looking forward to our time in the sun when they all leave home. Ohh boy are we looking forward!

JMC's picture

Welcome aboard the crazy train, DAD! You've found a great place to come for friendship, advice and just to vent when you need to - Smile

ddakan's picture

awe you sound like a sweetie dad. i especially love that you run back to her because you love her. stepping is frikin hard and it destroys the best of us. we just keep coming back tho.....we are determined to make it.

welcome to steptalk. just ignore haters and soak up the love from the lovers. i've found a lot of sanity here, and i hope you do too!