Manipulating Stepdaughter and Weak Husband
Ok, so I'm just going to just jump into this.
I have two stepdaughters; 15 1/2 and 18. The younger girl was close to her dad from what I understand and even slept with him at night until she was about 12. My husband has full custody of the girls due to the fact that the mother was molesting the girls prior to their divorce. The 18 year old just recently moved in with her aunt and the 15 1/2 is still living with us. Before the older one moved out, the girls fought with each other daily and more recently got into fist fights. The older one moved out about two weeks ago and we still have the younger one. She live with us full time.
I've been with my husband for five years and married for 1 1/2 years. I have no children of my own. The younger stepdaughter has pretty much gotten away with her attitude, disrespectfulness, and rudeness throughout the whole relationship. When I first started dating my husband, she would not ask him to go anywhere or ask him a question in front of me. Then it stopped for a while. Since the older one has moved out, the younger one has started up again with disregarding me. I have told my husband that I think this is disrespectful and rude to do this. He says that he is tired of it but doesn't put a stop to it. I told him that he has never listened to me and how I felt in regards to how the younger one has acted with me and that it has hurt my feelings.
She is a very strong willed child. Out of the two girls, my husband has favored her more and let her get her way even more. When he tells her no, she will hound him basically until she gets her way and eventually she does. When I was planning my wedding, she would give an attitude and wouldn't care. My husband even talked to her different times and she still gave an attitude. Last year she didn't talk to me for three months because I didn't open the door to our hotel room when we were on vacation due to "activities" that we had just engaged in. (she could have gone over to my mother in laws room next door). My husband didn't do anything about that either.
I have gotten to the point where I just want to go off on this child and tell her what I think about her. I have never yelled at her and I have never gone off on her in any way. I try to be good to her and try to do things for her when I can. (I work an hour away from our home, so I am not there Tuesday through Thursday of the week. I am trying to get a job in our town though.) My husband works swing shift so he is not in the home until after 11:30 at night. I feel like she has drove her sister out of the house and has succeeded. Right now, I feel so frustrated with the situation and even more frustrated with my husband for not dealing with any of the problems that have happened during our relationship. I don't know what to do anymore. Sometimes I wonder if I can make it through the next 2 1/2 years of her high school time (she's a sophomore) and whether or not I can keep it together as far as my attitude. Does anybody have any advice? Has anybody gone through this type of situation? I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place and I can't get out.
Look at my post below. I
Look at my post below. I swear it's an epidemic. I'm thinking on disengagement but I'm not sure if that's a route that's reasonable. So far it hasn't affected our relationship but I'm pretty sure it will. I will be on this thread for a solution as well. Sorry I couldn't offer advice.
SO you decide you want to
SO you decide you want to change the family dynamic NOW???? 5 1/2 years later.
Not to be snide, but good luck with that.
These are the things that should have been dealt with about 5 years ago. It's too late now. Really, in all reality, barring a miracle it's too late.
You do have the right and
You do have the right and should tell her when you think she is being rude and disrespectful to you. If he lets her treat him that way that is on him. But you dont have to be treated badly just because shes his kid. I dont tolerate disrespect from anyone. I let my sd know she will get what she gives
I am stunned on how people
I am stunned on how people are making a little girl who slept in her fathers bed into something more then it is. she was abused by her mother not her father.
this situation is unhealthy
this situation is unhealthy from the get go. 12 years old and co sleeping? i realise the children are messed up from their mother, but id rather not get involved with a man in this situation. divorce messes up daughters relationships with their father as it is and this is a complex situation.