Lurking for awhile but want to introduce myself
I don't even know where to start and will probably jump around alot.My FH and I have been together for only 1 1/2yrs and I adore him, it seems like a cruel twist of fate to have our lives turned upside down by two, for lack of a better word, BRATS!.I have 2 future SS 7 & 10 and a BD 12. 7yr old throws fits like a 2yr old and gets away with it and 10 yr old is constantly in trouble from school, during summer camp and when with babysitter(who is the sweetest lady BTW). FH see's his kids as boys will be boys.I've just moved out of the house we shared about two weeks ago and couldn't believe the stress relief. I feel ten yrs younger.I'm still with FH but only see him on the weekends when the shedevil's(BM) spawn are with her. Yes FH has them 5days a week.
The things I've seen these kids do in the past year:
-10yr old screaming at me that he won't change his dirty underwear that he wore all day and then slept in, so he could wear clean one's to school.Telling no othe students in his class did it maybe once a week (GROSS),told him not to speak to me that way then let him skip off to school in his dirty stinky underwear(no wonder he cries and complains that he has no friends)
-7yr old took his BB gun and shot porch glass leaving abeautiful whole that eventually lead to a giant cracked window, 2days w/o BB gun poor baby
-10 yr old written up at school for fighting w/ girls and throwing himself on the floor kicking and screaming that someone cut him in line
-7 yr old took red spray paint from the basement and sprayed all around the foundation of the house and FH's tools punishment and stern scolding
-10 yr old wrote his name on freshly painted bathroom wall( try to deny that one
-10 yr old took my ipod to school when told not to then tried to sneak it back before noticed, scolded" you shouldn't take things that don't belong to you", DUH, he already knew that when I told him not to.
-10 yr old took pocket knife and poked it through the couch cushion, when asked why. response "I don't know" sounds sufficient to me punishment knife removed for a week- couch permanently ruined.
Could go on all day but my fingers are tired, I'm just happy to have peace again but I don't think I'll ever be able to marry my soulmate This breaks my heart. How can such a wonderful man have such tirants for children.I know how evil I sound but I think many of you on here understand. These things are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how bad things really are.
When I explain how I would handle things much differently and maybe we won't work because of the way different parenting styles he disagrees and believe we are very similiar, HA! couldn't be different, I teach respect for other people and their property!
I won't even get into she devil that's a whole other post. Sorry so long and thanks for listening
Welcome dear
I have to say, I have not heard of some of these issues on here before, so you are breaking new ground for us! I don't blame you for getting out while your credit is still good! another joke. No, please tell all, we are happy to have you
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
Been there done that only
Been there done that only with an sd. She would and still does try to destroy anything she gets her hands on. My sons, when they were still home, refused to let her borrow cds or video games because she would throw them away then deny ever having them or scratch them so bad they wouldn't play. She deleted a computer game they had been playing for weeks and denied doing it. Refused to bathe, brush her teeth, change her underwear, when she started having periods refused to change her sanitary pad. Go ahead say it I already have. YUCK!!!! I finally let my sons deal with the game and cd problem themselves. Sd came home from girl scouts one night and every barbie doll she had was dismembered and decapitated. She never asked to borrow another thing from them again and never stole from them either. Some times you have to sink to their level to get justice.
10yr old won the pocket
10yr old won the pocket knife at a fishing contest before I was ever in the picture, and the younger one has had a BB gun for a year now, that he's only supposed to have when supervised with his father.Obviously that got over looked. I wouldn't have an issue with the ten yr old having a pocket knife (used for fishing), if it was "used for fishing" and not destroying household property. My brothers and I (was a tom girl) always had pocket knives and BB guns as kids, we were raised in the country and were taught to respect guns whether BB or not and knives. I have only been with their father and Fskids for 1 1/2 yrs and refuse to take responsibility for their lack of education on these issues.Oh rules were always set in our house, but the follow through well, that never happened.When my input into their maturity level and behaviors was ignored, I took the only step I could by removing my daughter and I from the situation.Trust me I've placed blame where it is due. It hurts me that he can't see his children's behaviors for what they are- spoiled tantrums, destruction, and ravings of guilt parented brats period
ahh, BM a CPS worker? That's
ahh, BM a CPS worker? That's scary, and I'm sure she took full advatage of knowing all the rules and tricks of the system.
The worst part of the destruvtive behavior is FH's ready made excuse's when I (of course I was the only one to discover crack and hole in window and gash in couch)told him of what was done. "oh, ss7 thought window was open (ok and why is that ok anyway??? shooting a bb out a window in the house) and oh I've(FH) done dumb things like 10yr old ss slashing couch with pocket knife, when I was a kid. Give me a break. I told him, wow, your boys have it really easy they don't even need to find a lie to tell you they have an excuse all set up for them from dear old dad. Must be nice
P.s.- yes I've heard some SD's are far worse then SS's, that's very, very scary.