Life since Step Kids
This will likely be my last post here.
I haven't posted here in a very long time, but I felt inclined to this morning babies so many of you were so kind to me at a time I didn't know how much I truly needed kindness.
I joined this forum a few years ago when I was experiencing (what I thought were) minor stepparenting issues. I soon after realised what an abusive marriage I was in, and after a horrible experience trying to secure a final restraining order against my (now) ex-husband, I fled to another state, leaving behind the home, step kids, and life id hoped to build for myself.
I wanted to check in to say that I'm ok - better than ok. I am still waiting on my green card, but my residency has been approved. I also work with a domestic violence charity now to bring awareness to those navigating DV, and I have no contact with my ex or my former stepkids. I go no-contact for their saftey, because their father is so irrational and violent that I wouldn't want him to feel that they're outside his control where I am concerned. One day, when they're legal adults, I hope they'll find me so I can tell them that it wasn't their fault that I left, and why I've had to stay away.
I learned over the past 21 months since I left, that my ex was a criminal, had multiple women on the go, and was abusive to his ex wife (the one I was lead to believe was crazy). She has been a great source of support for me, and it's astonishing how similar our experiences with our ex are.
When I left my ex, I was a fragile, broken shell of a young woman. Since leaving, I released a book which became a number 1 bestseller in multiple categories, my YouTube channel continues to grow strong and recently surpassed over 730K subscribers, I was hired as a VP in a company I could only ever have dreamed of working in 21 months ago, and I have surrounded myself with strong, likeminded entrepreneurial women who have been such great supports in helping me get back on my feet, and live the life I deserve.
My coach, who I worked with weekly for over 3 years now finally told me I was ready to fly, and I've now got the tools to help me make good decisions, and the ability to really understand how and why I (and others) behave and make decisions in certain ways.
And I'm in a very harmonious and loving relationship with a guy who is uncomplicated, positive, patient, kind, and who doesn't have a malicious bone in his body. We take things one day at a time and enjoy each other's company. He isn't the 'exciting' type I used to look for, and I had to learn that for a long time chaos and disorder went hand in hand with what I thought love was. Now, love is more like a lazy river rather than a stormy sea, and I like it very much.
Although I have become a step parent again... to his two dogs. Aside from the copious amounts of fur, I think I can handle these two step-pup.
Thank you all so much for your kindness. There was a time I didn't think I'd make it out the other side, but im so glad, and proud, that I did.
I can now stop worrying about
I can now stop worrying about you
I am thrilled to hear you are doing so well. Keep up the good work!
That is really awesome. I'm
That is really awesome. I'm so glad you got out of that relationship.
I'm new here but I do love reading happy endings. And this is a happy ending! Congratulations for gaining your life back and in an awesome way!
So pleased for you
Glad you got away and turned your life around.
Bravo for making it to the other side.
You are an inspiration.
Congratulations and Thank You
Im so happy for you!!!!
I think you are an incredible inspiration and thank you for reaching out and letting us know about your journey. We give advice and extend ourselves in hope to make a difference in peoples lives and knowing that I perhaps helped in some way makes me happy
Congratulations on your great
Congratulations on your great new life and nice partner.
Congratulations! I'm happy
Congratulations! I'm happy for you. I hope I have a happy story to share as well after I get over my heartbreak.
Congratulations and I very
Congratulations and I very happy for you! I was rooting for you!!!! You do realize now that your ex was an abusive a$$hat who wanted to play family when it was convienient for him (when you would pay for his kids, help him with his bills, play free nanny to his kids) but the moment it wasn't convenient for him (when you you needed something brought up his or his kids disrespectful or using behaviors) he threatened to kick you out which is type a abuse and narcissism. Life doesn't work that way in a healthy relationship and many abusers/users will take advantage of people who are not citizens. I was also in a similar position over a year ago. I left after what I now realize was years of psychological and financial abuse from my ex. Although he was not a criminal he was emotionally, financially and psychologically abusive and I believe it would've escalated if I had stayed. I left and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Ironically I ran into his ex months later and we shared similar stories. At first I missed my former step kids but that passed with time. They were also becoming disrespectful so I never missed that part. His ex is not the evil creature he made her out to be. I am now with a man who is wonderful, gentle, generous,kind and patient. Lots of hugs and kisses to your pups