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Let's talk about our significant others annoying players(or other people) in his/her life.

caitlinj's picture

mine's are 

-his over bearing and invasive mother who tells him how to live his life and lets it be known that she looks down on certain peope in certain career fields that are not "good enough" for her moody son (her son is divorced with two kids full time and is in a lot of debt and is very moody and can be cruel at times with anger outbursts. He also has very little free time.)

-his sister who is approaching 40 yet still lives at home with mom and is never in a relationship with anyone yet acts very entitled and knows everything

-his pot smoking, drug addicted, invasive, creepy, intrusive, two faced, sneaky, and basically useless ex.

-his "good" female friend  who lives out of state that he grew up with (whom I have never met) who takes every oppurtunity to bad mouth me behind my back even though she doesnt know me, has never met me nor even spoken to me in her life.


Who are yours and why do they irritate you?

fourbrats's picture

and brother's ex wife. 

His brother and his ex wife are recovering addicts. Brother is just irritating. Ex wife has full custody of the kids and has replaced drugs with religion and NA. She is also on new daddy number five for their children. She constantly corrects my parenting, refuses to let my husband spend too much time with the kids because he "does drugs" (prescription non narcotic drugs due to disabilities from military service), and just annoys me in general. 

His sister is a 33 year old brat. Spoiled, entitled, actually told me one time that she can't work because she needs time for yoga and tanning. She must be the center of attention at all times. She also ruined my husband's 30th birthday (almost a decade ago but still) and has inappropriate discussions with my teenage daughters. She also gave my oldest daughter a thong as a Christmas gift when said child was 15. Said child is a quiet, introvert who opened underwear in front of her step grandfather. SIL thought it was a riot :(. 

We limit time with all of these people. 

icanteven's picture

In my husband's life? He has not much family or friends, so there are only two.

-Ex-wife. She is such an annoying person. Her voice sounds like in cartoons when a character sing very soprano and the windows break. She is loud like stepson, talks in this glass breaking voice so loudly they can hear her two blocks away. She thinks she is adorable and that everyone likes her. She calls herself by the name of a character she played on TV and tells everyone that she looks better now than she did when she played that character 20 years ago. She thinks she is too good to get a real job. She has worked three years of the past 20.

-Her boyfriend, who I have to talk about on his own because he is a whole conversation by himself and he tends to show up to our house when it is time to pick up the kid. Have you ever seen stereotype of a person from the beach? They say "dude" a lot, and have fake tan like the Kardashian family but with stripes, and they wear clothes in brands for surfing even though they live in midwest with no ocean? That is what he is like. He is also unemployed. He thinks he is a graffiti artist.

Both of them remind me of people who did drugs in the bathroom at the football pitch in school, and they are on my doorstep once a week. Sometimes I want to let my dog jump on them, but I would rather he not eat their orange spray tan.

Gucci's picture

EW: obvious reasons here. She’s trash and she is raising my SSs to be trash. 

MIL: called my BD huge because she got angry that I was badmouthing the EX. 

Female coworkerish: had a feeling a snooped though H’s phone and found drunken, inappropriate texts. They still text, but it’s related to work things. I hate it, but I honestly feel like that is as far as it went and he has been faithful. He was drunk and away from home and stupid. But I would still throw hands at her so hard if the opportunity arose. 


CompletelyPuzzled's picture

My DH has 2 in his life:

My crazy a$$ mother in law who sticks her nose in our business and takes every opportunity to insult DH and me. She constantly plays the victim and everything is our fault. She blames me for taking him away, but in reality, he has cut her off because she is a trouble maker.


The second one is his crazy ex who has PAS'd put SD14 and tries with SD12. She will hurt her kids to get at my DH.  She thinks she is the best mom in the world. She also throws it in my face that she is more my DH's family because she gave him 2 kids.  Oh, I wish I could be there when she finds out that she is losing that power play *biggrin*

Areyou's picture

All his people are socially awkward yet think they are better than everyone else. Ugh. They have no friends yet complain about why people don’t want to talk to them. 

elkclan's picture

My SO has a lot of weird science friends, but I really like them. I haven't been too annoyed by any of them at all. I don't particularly like his ex GF (the one between BM and me) but she's not really in his life anymore - we picked up his kid's bikes from her house at the weekend and now that's it  - she used to work at the same place as him, but she just took a new job which means she won't be anywhere near his office. Hurray! 

My SO gets completely unnerved by his brother, who is a bit of a wind-up merchant. He really knows how to get under SO's skin. However, both brother and his wife are super nice and I think his brother is frankly hilarious. 

Kes's picture

Apart from NPD BM and her many sins, we have DH's mother and stepfather - an alcoholic (him) and his enabler (her).  We went for a long weekend with them in early April, (they live 200 miles away) - had an enormous argument with them which ended with them throwing us out, at 9.30pm on a Sunday night, when we'd had a drink - not expecting to be leaving till Monday - so we had to drive back home 3 hours in the dark, didn't get home till 1am.  

I have never been thrown out of anywhere in my life - and didn't expect to start when I'm 60. They both behaved appallingly and we haven't spoken to them since, DH can do what he likes, but I am now estranged forever from my MIL and FIL.  


CLove's picture

She is a Toxic Piece of Drama loving sludge. Let me count the ways! Lets see:

1. Just recently, she raged at me via text and accused me of being abusive, and a b!tch. This coming from the same person (using the term loosely) who beat her eldest whiel her youngest watched on. 

2. Demanding things and help from SO that have nothing to do with Skids. While he pays for everything for them, does for them (when Feral Eldest was still wiht us), but somehow he has to also furnish HER apartment. And is selling the bed that HE bought (I saw it on FB marketplace - for $500), instead of getting it cleaned so that Munchkin SD12 has someplace nice to sleep and doesnt have to sleep on the couch. Asking to borrow his truck, asking him to help her hang heavy mirror that he had recently taken down from our house that I really loved, but he had promised her. Asking him to pay for half a bunk bed for HER apartment.

3. Not communicating the schedule changes to SO. So she works for school system, and has not communicated that she is NOW not needing childcare during the daytimes. Its been 2 days now that I have not had to do childcare when either BM or SO are working. NO communication!!!! His attitude is "less is better with her". True, but still.

4. Her ex boyfriend. They used to get into raging fights. Abuse on both sides. So thats pretty much all if it!

Except one more:

5. Feral Eldest - shes moved out now for the past year, but SO feels guilty about "losing her". Although she was never kicked out, no big arguments and nothing from me. She just went no contact and no explanation. He texts her now and then, and she will text Munchkin when she reaches out to her older sister. But still very annoying how everyone is so concerned for her when she doesnt give two hoots about anyone else!!!! She is just like her mother, lies, is selfish, is mean, has temper issues is dirty.

So, I think that about sums it up!