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Inviting over his Ex-Wife

adriG's picture

I was just wondering, has anyone ever invited the ex-wife over for dinner or any family gatherings? My fiance, has a 7yr old son with this lady. She has a 4 and a 2yr old girls from another man. She's currently re-married. My step-son hardly sees his sisters, since his mom hardly sees him. My Fiance has custody of him, and she's supposed to see him every weekend. She never calls to pick him up or to see how he is doing. She only calls during holidays and his Bday. My step-son misses his sisters and sometimes asks me if they could come over. If they come over, that means SHE would have to come inside the house as well. I feel bad for my step-son, he's growing up with out his sisters. Would it be a good idea to invite her over so the kids can play? I've met her once, and she seems ok. I've talked to my Fiance about it, and he says he really wouldnt want this however we would be doing it for his Son. I'm just really confused of what to do.....any advice?

2Bloved's picture

How about planning a trip out to Chuck E Cheese, or the local pool, or a pizza place, or even lunch at MicDonald's where they can play in the ball pit together for an hour? It doesn't necessarily have to be at your house. BM can choose to get stay or not, but let her know she is invited to spend the time with you guys. Give her the option of running errands done during this time.

Or, you can just email her Monday or the week prior that you will be dropping SS at -:-- time for her visitation weekend. Someone has to enforce the CO, right? Emails are good so you can keep a record of all communication. I use to make sure that my emails are being read.

Orange County Ca's picture

Don't listen to people who want you to try and force this woman to do anything. It's not possible. You can't make her "step up" and do anything.

The best thing that the two of you can do for this boy is to establish a friendly working relationship with the boys mother.

Try it and see how it works. I've heard of plenty of stories of people doing just that. The three of you ARE the adults here.


There's an exception to everything I say.