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Not_Having_Fun's picture

I have just created an account & thought I would introduce myself. I'm a stepmom & also a bio mum. My SD is 9 & my bio son is 9 months.

Thank you so much for providing such an honest forum I can go to! I thought I was a terrible person for having bad feelings towards my SD but now feel better knowing I am not a monster & others have similar issues! It's not all in my head!! I'm sooooo grateful to have found this site!

RedWingsFan's picture

Welcome! I'm a newbie here too - about a month or so. Sanity saver, that's what this site is! And I don't even have SD issues right now!

sad2012's picture

I am week old newbie here and I feel sooooooooooo much better knowing that I am not the only one with the dreadful thought of the skids coming. (they are here 12 days a month). I feel a bit more sane now due to this site and I have gotten a few good laughs too!

ST is good for the soul!!

Not_Having_Fun's picture

I'm totally addicted! I am always logging on & spend a lot of time here! I never imagined there would be somewhere to come like ST & I'm just so grateful. I am yet to blog or put up a forum topic as I have so many issues & I'm scared the blog would be a mile long!! Might have to break it all down!

I enjoy getting a few laughs also & commiserate & relate with others. I'm so happy people feel they can be honest & 'say it how it is'.

Not_Having_Fun's picture

I have often wished my SD was a SS instead! I am not looking forward to the years ahead, she is 9 now & already unbearable! Not saying a SS would be a walk in the park, I'd just rather not deal with some of the crap that is usually only from a girl/female & again - I have so much more & worse to come!

I'm going to give a blog a go soon! Blum 3