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I'm hiding in my bedroom...

DonnaPaskel's picture

SD has been here since Wednesday and won't be leaving until Tuesday. I can't let the little things go when she's here and can't sleep at night because I'm mad at my DH. We had my sons 1st birthday yesterday so his daughter could be here ( I didn't want SD there). She stuck here unwashed hands in his cake and when I told her not to do that my husband then stuck his hands in the cake. Basically sending me the message she can do whatever the hell she wants to do. She scatches the door in the morning to wake us up and then jumps in bed with us. I quickly make my exit out of bed. This morning she and my DH are digging threw my sons new birthday toys because SD wants to play with them. Ugh! She never shares and has a room overflowing with toys. Ugh!! Help me!

doll faced sm's picture

. . . I'd move out. Oh, I'd talk to him first; explain that this will *not* continue and that I *will* be respected in my own home. But, I'm assuming you've already had this conversation with him, so yeah, I'd be gone. He can find a new doormat.

neveragain's picture

Yeah, from someone who has been there, done that, never again (hence my screen name), get while the getting is good. This isn't going to get any better. It will just get worse.

I'm still having problems with my ss, and he's in his 30s! To top it off, I'm now on the other side, because my ex has a new gf who thinks she's going to be my DD's new mommy! Sorry, at age 23, I don't think DD is going to buy into that!

Anywho78's picture

How old is your SD? Can't believe your DH stuck his hands in the cake too...I woulda smacked his hand!

Have you tried talking with him...breaking it down barney style? I had to do that with my FDH before he finally caught on...

DonnaPaskel's picture

My SD is 7. I've tried talking to DH about it, but he doesn't think he or SD did anything wrong. :/ He always seems to just ignore anything I say when it comes to his daughter. I told him if I can't tell her not to do something that is inappropriate, then I can't take her to school or do anything else for her. I just can't put up with a SD that tries to boss me around and doesn't listen. Wonder where she gets it from? (DH)

forever2's picture

Donna, lets move in together and let our disgusting DHs and skids share a house full of filthy habits and bad behavior. Sounds like yours and mine belong together... although I have a lot more tolerance of a 7 year old than my 12 year old skid. And how totally lame that DH tries to bond with his skid by jumping into her bad behavior instead of teaching her right from wrong. Mine is just the same. More fun to be a buddy than a parent. Mine even calls skid "little buddy" as if his failure to parent could not be more obvious. And yes "little buddy" is what you call a 4 year old not a 12 year old, I know, you are preaching to the choir. For mine, its putting their lips around the whipped cream can and sucking it out. Its gross and juvenile and I have asked them to stop. DH is leader of the behavior, doing it in front of my face and telling skid to do the same as a pathetic male bonding ritual. Your post is short but telling. Where is the respect for you when DH lets skid jump into your bed? He obviously notices that by letting her do that, he is forcing you out. That is your place of peace and romance and adult time and she has no business in there. DH needs to tell his skid that if he cares at all about you. Obviously your DH couldn't care less about you when he has the option of having his darling skid around. He might as well give you a "sloppy seconds" T-shirt. I have a drawer full of them! It just makes me furious because I live it too. Maybe even worse is it seems your DH also has little regard for your son. He is only one. Isn't he DHs son too? So what if he is too young to notice, but his things are not to be pawed threw by skid. DH needs to teach her now how to respect others and their belongings. Sad for you. Sad for your son....and as I tell my DH every single day...sad for skid too. DH will be sorry that he didn't parent her when she becomes a teenager from hell. I tell mine until I am blue in the face that skid needs a parent, not a buddy, and they both will pay for this later. Ultimately DH is ruining skids life as much as he is ruining yours. She will be ill-prepared for real life, and her entitled existence now will make her entire future a disappointment. Is she going to find a man who will spoil her like her daddy does? Probably not, especially since she will be stamping her foot and demanding it. Why can't DHs see the big picture? They are hurting everyone in a sad attempt to ease their quilt. I try, but all my DH hears is "blah blah blah", "lets go suck some whipped cream little buddy!"