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im gonna lose it!

doglover1's picture

BF and i are working on landscaping at our new home by ourselves....we are know working on a retaining wall which is extremely labor intensive.SD7 is selfish and wants undying attention during this . I have been working 2 jobs and so does BF..when we come home we work here. IM killing myself and have no room for whiny selfish skidy right now....i had to walk away from it.....chill out have a glass of wine and post this so i dont do something ill regret later. I feel better all ready.

smurfy1smile's picture

I am so sorry that sucks. I have a BD7 and she wants nothing to do with me and needs nothing until I have something to do like dishes, laundry, work on our new house, you name it and she's mine. Its very annoying and I try to give her little jobs so she thinks she is helping but she is actually not.

Smart to remove yourself and chill out for a bit.