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I'm done and I MEAN it.

leftfield's picture

In my head, I am seeing rainbows and butterflies should I give my bf another chance. It will be great - he and I will be straong as ever, BM and I will be cool and in time, he and BM won't talk soooo much. Yea right. So now my intuition, my parents, you guys and my friends are all poking the hell out of me and it's finally starting to sink in.

What really solidified the "WTH was I dreaming" is the fact that 2 people that I work with and think highly of, told me tonight that they KNOW BM and they think I should stay split from my bf in order to not have any connection with her. This is a small town and I wasnt raised here, soooo.... I trust these 2 women, they are mature and not into gossip. They BOTH said she is crazy, that she can be REALLY sweet when she wants to be, but she is batshit crazy underneath it all. They said she is has a terrible temper, which I kind of knew. And she likely takes psych meds.

NOOOOO thanx!!!! I hate that I'm making a judgement call based on their opinion, but if they end up being right, I will have nobody to blame but myself. I can honestly say that nobody can or will ever be able to label me as "crazy" or hot tempered, so why should I put up with someone who has that reputation????