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" I think mommy says bad things about you because she is jealous of you "

HappilySelfish679's picture

Almost dropped the potato pancake on the floor when I heard this from SD10 today. All the manipulating, the PAS BM is trying to pull, the pressure she puts on him and the lies she made up about me, something tells me SD10 has already figured her out. Her craziness and envy is so obvious, a 10 year old can see through it.
Told SD10 that she will always be his mother, but he can make up his own mind who he likes and who he doesn't like, his feelings are his own and it is totally ok to have his own feelings, and nobody should make him feel bad about it.
He nodded and told me I make the best potato pancakes in the world , better than his grandma's and I will go to bed tonight with a big huge grin on my face.
What a great kid.

memyselfandi's picture

Me and BM were friends for years before her ex and I knew each other.

We were friends when they met..and we were friends when they got married.

However..BEFORE that..I guess her ex had this huge crush on me..something he told her BEFORE they got married.

Her ex (and my future hubby) was super about breaking the news to her about dating me..and was also nice about breaking to her the fact that we were going to get married.

She was already married for 8 years to, what she told my hubby was the love of her life...


I did my best to involve her in all the wedding plans since her daughter was going to be such a huge part of it.

One day my SD said to me,

"Did you know that Daddy never really loved my mom and that he only loved you a long time ago?"

My reply was, "Oh..I'm sure your Dad really did love your mom a long time ago but sometimes things change.."

She said,

"No..Daddy said he didn't like my mom much cos she yelled too much.."

I said, "Well sometimes people show their feelings in different ways.."

Then she said,

"Well Daddy says you don't yell near as much as Mom ever did in a year and that he always loved you anyways.."

She added,

"And my mom doesn't want anything to do with the wedding cos I think she figures you'll never yell that much..and Daddy said she's probably right..."
